Rebalancing Life

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Author's Note:

OMG... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 7,000+ Reads and 320+ Votes~ (June 7, 2020)

Let's celebrate a little by posting this update!

ALL votes and comments are VERYYYY MUCH appreciated!!

Ps. I originally planned to post this update last June 8, 2020 but I was not able to finish it due to overloaded work stuffs. So sad 😭😭😰😰💔💔

7.65k reads as of June 13, 2020. Thank you 😭😭😭😭


***** TEAM'S POV *****
"Team, wake up~" I heard a soft whisper but I still can't open my eyes.
"Please wake up now, Nong Team." He called me softly again and I can feel that he sat beside me.

"Team, please~" he pleads as he gently caressed my face.
Strangely, the way he touches my face makes me feel like I am a very delicate person and somehow my heart feels so warm. It felt so surreal as no one have ever done this to me aside from my mother and Granny.
I suddenly thought that maybe Granny is here to fetch me and if that's the case then I'd really rather not wake up anymore.

I was still lost in my thoughts when I heard a guy calling my name again and it took me a while before I realized it was Hia Win's voice.
"Team, please na... you have to eat so you can take your medicine." Win said still caressing my face.
"Hia really did not leave me!?" I asked myself before I instantly opened up my eyes.
Hia is really still here with me!!
Is this for real?! Is this not a dream?!
"Come here, let me help you sit." he offered as he held me and assisted me to change my position.
I was still in a daze when he suddenly put his palm on my forehead and asked me if it was really okay with me to sit or if I feel too dizzy that I have to just lay down.
"Oh God.. Your fever have worsened. Please endure sitting for a little while. Let me help you eat so you can finish soon." he stated and I just nodded.

I was literally stunned as I kept watching Hia's action from blowing off the steam to  feeding me the porridge. Everything still feels unbelievable for me. I have never been taken care of like this for so long. I feel extremely emotional and it feels like tears are about to fall again so I hurriedly closed my eyes to prevent it.

"Are you okay, Team? I'm sorry but you have to endure a little more. You have to eat a few more scoops please.." Hia Win said  and his voice is full of concern.
My head is spinning and my whole body felt numb but everything is kind of tolerable for me because in the past I don't have any right or choice to be sick as I still have to try to act normal no matter how how terrible I feel. However, it was Hia Win and his actions that is shaking me up so freaking hard right now.

"Please eat some more, Team... open your mouth and take this.." Hia said and I obliged although I still kept my eyes shut because I am afraid that I'll end up crying again.
He then continued to feed me few more scoops.
"You did good, Team. You're done eating now. You just have to take this medicine so you may go back to rest again." He said while he helped me again to take the medicine and drink some water.
The overwhelming emotions I am trying to bottle up within me just became too much that I was not able to stop my tears from falling. I suddenly felt Hia's warm fingers wiping my tears away.
"Team, stop crying please. You have to get some sleep cause your body is too weak already. Let's recharge first for now..." he said before he helped me to lay down the bed again.
He was caressing my hair gently and I just lied still on the bed with closed eyes. I wanted to sleep and to stop overthinking as well but I can't make my self calm down.

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