Spellbinding Moment (part2)

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Apologies for not being able to post this yesterday due to I had issues with my internet connection. 😭😰

(I fell asleep while trying to upload this.. 🤣✌😭)

Anyways, here's the continuation... 


***** WIN'S POV *****

It has been more or less three hours already since Team and I parted ways. I have already finished packing up all my stuffs that I needed to bring to the beach. I feel tired already and just wanted to sleep but I am currently feeling hungry which suddenly made me thought about Team.


"Is he doing fine? Is he hungry too right now.. Should I call him and ask him if he wanted to get some midnight snack at the convenience store?" I thought to myself but then it made me realize that I still don't have his number.


Since I really am hungry and I don't think I can sleep with my stomach feeling empty, I decided to just go down to the convenience store beside our dorm. And because I also wanted to check on Team as I can't help but feel worried over him, I decided to drop by on his room first so I can ask to eat with me and at the same see if he is doing well.


I was a few steps away at Team's room when he suddenly went out of his room.


"Hi-hia... w-what are you doing here?" he shyly asked.


"Do you need anything?" he added.


"I was feeling hungry and I wanted to ask if you want to have midnight snack together.... Are you going somewhere?" I asked back.


"I-uh.. was actually also planning to buy something too.." Team answered meekly.


"Let's go?" I asked and he just nodded as response.


We talked a little about some random things as we walk towards the convenience store. We bought some foods that are ready to eat and he also bought some things he needed for the beach trip. Based on the way he talk and look right now,  I can tell that he is doing fine which made me feel relieved.


I, out of the blue, invited him to eat with me in my room cause first of all I am not sure if he likes having guests in his room so I just offered my room. He seemed hesitant at first but gladly he still agreed. After we finished buying, we directly went towards my room.


We ate while talking about random things until he opened up about some stories about his past like how close he is close to Granny's family and how everyone treats him like he is blood related to them because Granny wholeheartedly fulfilled and assumed the role of grandmother to him and everyone else just treated him like he really is part of their family. He said that he was thankful that he had a family in them cause he was not able to meet his other relatives.
I learned a lot of things about him through his stories and it seems that he doesn't want to talk about his father a lot. I am still curious about a lot of things but I know I have to patiently wait until the time that he will be able to open up to me by himself. We actually had a lot of fun talking about ourselves until we both suddenly realized that it was already past 12:00 in the morning. 

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