Your Abnormal Impact

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**** TEAM'S POV *****

As soon as I entered my room, my body suddenly feel a lot heavier.

I'm exhausted and my whole body feel numb but I have to drag my self to wash up a little and change into comfortable clothes. I also drank two glasses of warm water to ease my stomach that feels empty before I plopped down on my bed.

I closed my eyes and wondered about Hia Win's actions earlier. I'm still not that convinced that he is a nice person cause he might be just pretending to, you know like how an enemy wanted to know about the weakness of his prey before they attack it. Basically, someone as famous as him doesn't really need to befriend a loser and an asshole like me. On top of all, I still don't know if I can trust him although I must admit that he can make me feel warm inside.

It feels like I can still clearly see the worried look on his face right before I drifted off to sleep.

**** WIN'S POV ****

It has already been almost an hour since Team and I separated. I was already working on my report but for some reason I can't take him off my mind. I wonder what have happened to him earlier and what he is doing right now. I am sure there is something that he doesn't want anyone to know especially whatever he is going through right now but I just can't stop myself worrying about him.

I wanted to call or send  him a message but I don't even have his number. I checked if he is online on his facebook account but he doesn't appear online and it seems that he haven't even logged in the whole day. I can't just barged in his room without giving him an acceptable reason cause I don't want to freak him out again.

I know Dean must have his number as the President of the club but I can't just randomly ask him cause he will for sure make me admit what is going on. Should I just ask P'Pruk instead? They seem pretty close already, but what if he confronted Team directly? Team will definitely hate me more if that happens.

"What should I do?!? I can't focus now!! Shiaaaa~" I blurted out to my self out of frustration before I suddenly thought of an idea because of my grumbling stomach.

I decided to order some food good for sharing as I decided to force Team to eat with me. I think I can only have a peace of mind if I will be able to watch over him in flesh.

**** TEAM'S POV *****

I opened up my eyes but I can't see anything. Every where I look, all I can see was pitch black.

I suddenly feel like having trouble with my breathing. Why can't I make my my body move?!

I wanted to scream and ask for help but I can't seem to be even able to make a sound.

And why does it feel like I am falling deeper and deeper?!?!?

I think I heard someone calling my name from a far before I woke up coughing and sweating with pounding heartbeat.

WHAT THE FUCK!! I freaking had a nightmare attack again!!

I was still having trouble calming my self when I realized that there really is someone knocking at my door. 

"Nong Team? Are you in there? Nong?" the guy outside kept on calling but I can't identify who's voice it is.

My knees felt too weak so I had a hard time to stand up and my throat felt dry that I can't talk loud enough for the person outside to hear me telling him to wait for me.

The knocking have already stopped for quite some time before I was even able to reach the door and upon opening it, the person who knocked was no longer there. I looked around and I saw a person's back somewhere a little far already walking further away slowly.

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