Well Played, Luck or Fate? (part 1)

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Author's Note: It's 2023 already and I still haven't finish this story due to personal matters but I promise I will never give up on this. I hope many of my solid readers are still here waiting for this. For the new readers, I am sooo glad to see that you found this too. I hope to see more comments soon also so I can get to interact to you guys as well.

My 2022 was not great so I am hoping for a better and gentler 2023. 

Happy new year to you all!

******* TEAM'S POV *******


My heart is beating a little too fast, obviously not because of excitement with the game but because of anxiousness for what might happen.


The first round was fortunately easy just like what P'Yihwa said. It was just a warm up for us since we don't need to do anything yet and we were still not blindfolded. We just have to say words or things that we can think of from the word that they will give and we can only earn points for every similar or same answer given with our partners.


The first two pairs have already finished the first round and they both just got 1 point out of the 5 questions.


"Aww.. you guys don't seem to know each other well..." Yihwa stated that everyone suddenly looked uncomfortable.


The pair playing now is Pond and his trainor, and it seems that even though Pond is so nosy and the most talkative among all of us, they also both don't know that much about each other as they ended up with 2 points only.


"Don't tell me you guys really don't get together apart from your training times?" she disappointedly asked and no one dared to answer.


"We just really don't talk about personal stuff, Phi." Pond shyly reasoned out.


"Personal stuff?! Come on! The things I've mentioned are not that much personal." she retorted back. 


I admit that what she has mentioned was really not that much personal as she was just asking about random things any person may like such as fruits, hobbies, preferred specific things and the likes.


Maybe not all of us really got the chance to get to know each other that well because most of us don't really hang out together outside training and club sessions.


"I am so disappointed with you guys..." she sadly added.


Considering I am the closest with Ai'Pond, even with him, I don't have any idea about the things he likes since we don't get to hangout that much outside the club.


Come to think of it, I've recently been spending a lot of time with Hia but I also don't know that much about him.



I slowly looked towards him and got confused to see him staring at me.

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