Well Played, Luck or Fate? (part 2)

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you for reading and appreciating this story. My apologies if this is short, I tried my best to finish this cause I miss doing this and interacting with the readers.

******* TEAM'S POV *******

"Seems like your VP Win and Nong Team here are quite familiar with each other already since they nailed the first game but let's wait and see how good their bond is for the succeeding games!!" Yihwa enthusiastically declared.

I felt weird as it definitely seems like her expression is telling me that she knows something that the others don't and at the same time also gives me certain vibes that she kind of does not really like me or is somehow evaluating me.

"Are you guys excited as well?" she asked the others and some responded cheerfully.    

I personally don't think the game is enjoyable but they seemed to really like what we were doing or rather were asked to play.

"Let's proceed to the next game and see how much you know your partners by just feeling them!!" Phi Yihwa excitedly announced while giving emphasis with the word "feeling".

Ah fuck. It's starting now... I mentally cursed as I felt honestly scared of whatever I might "feel" during this game.

Phi Pruk came in front to distribute the blindfolds to all the players and soon after Phi Yihwa instructed us to wear it on our own.

"Hurry up, boys!! Don't be scared, I'm here to make sure you won't get hurt." Phi Pruk assured us but still, it didn't make me feel even a little less uncomfortable.

Why does Hia have to be my partner in this game?! I blabbered internally.

"Pruk, can you assist the seniors towards the left side then make the juniors line up at the center facing the other members" Phi Yihwa instructed.

"Oi~ Phi Pruk, be slow please! I don't want to fall" one said, which made me feel more anxious.

"Geez~ come on.. I won't let anyone get hurt." Phi Pruk replied.

"Just chill and trust me, okay?" Phi Pruk declared.

After a while, I felt someone standing in front of me.

"Ei~ Nong Team, calm down. Why are you so anxious?" Phi Pruk asked and I can't seem to find any words to respond.

"Shia~ Your hands are so cold!" He said softly as he held on to me to make me move from where I am standing.

I can't tell if he sounded purely concerned or he was actually just trying to tease me.

"Yah, Pruk!!" Phi Yihwa screamed unexpectedly.

"You are giving clues. Don't you realize that?" she continued and her voice can tell us how annoyed she is at the moment even though we can't see her expression.

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