Spellbinding Moment

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Author's Note:

11,100+ Reads and 570+ Votes as of July 4, 2020!!!

The last time I checked it was just almost 10k reads and I was already feeling too happy that I really wanted to update right away but sadly I didn't get to have a free time TT^TT  /flips table due to frustration with work stuffs/


I never thought this will be read and enjoyed by a lot of readers... THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART~~ I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOO MUCH!!! I am sorry for not being able to update regularly...

@BLueJhen thank you so much dear for calling this story a 'masterpiece'.. I didn't expect anyone to call this work of mine like that.. TT__TT

@moony_lune20 I enjoyed reading your comments~~  thank you so much as well ^^, 


**** WIN'S POV *****

(Just wanted to let you guys know what was going through Win's mind during their 'first kiss' ^^,v)

Team and I, was currently enjoying the view of the beach and the fresh air as we walk around. The sea water seems peaceful... the air feels so cold yet still calming... there are only few people lingering around making the atmosphere feel more captivating and extra special..

We kept on walking while having random conversation and I was now finally able to tease him again. Soon after we were already bickering and teasing like how we used to. We then decided to take a sit at the sand to enjoy the nature more.

It was already a little dark and there are stars visible at the sky making the view more beautiful.

I noticed how Team shivered a little so I draped my arm over his shoulder to make him move closer to me. I also rubbed his back and arms gently to make him feel warm.

I was also feeling a little cold but having Team this close to me  is making me feel an unusual warmth within me.  My heart almost exploded when Team out of nowhere thanked me again and showed me a genuine smile that almost melted me right away. His action even freaking made me blushed but I was more surprised when I saw that Team also blushed. Team then leaned his head over my shoulder and it made my body froze.
I feel so relieved cause Team look so much better right now however I am a little worried for myself...

My mind is so fucking messed up right now.... I don't know if the nature have something to do with what I am feeling right now but I just can't help myself not to think about a lot of things...

I can't help but wonder why I feel so different... why I keep seeing things differently... why I keep feeling some sensations that I have never felt before... 

I am not used to not getting the answers of whatever I wanted to know but this time, why is it so freaking difficult for me...? Why everything seems unexplainable and unusual to me...? Why strange things kept happening to me...?

I don't know if it all just started when Mike and Dean teased me about N'Team when I realized for real that I keep having these weird feelings within me because of him.


Maybe it actually started when he fell asleep at my sofa the first time I invited him to come to my dorm cause somehow he look so inexplicably attractive that night..?


Or maybe because he was the first person who made me enjoy being cuddled cause I literally liked the warmth of his body...?

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