Got Lucky or Got Saved?

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Please let me know if you like this story or if this is getting boring and not interesting... I'm kind of trying hard to be 'normal'.. I feel so down the past days without specific reason and at the same time missing BounPrem is not helping at all.


Third Person's POV

"Are you sure this wound of yours will not affect your performance today?" the blonde senior asked.

Team was trying to read the senior, analyzing the expression and his eyes that kind of look soft, he was about to think that the senior is showing genuine concern until the senior raised an eyebrow at him. From soft gaze the stare immediately became intense.

"Why the hell are you just staring at me?!" the blonde senior raised his voice which made Team to flinch a bit.

"Susu na, Ai Team! You can do it." Suddenly a loud cheer of a girl was heard from the audience which made almost everyone look at her direction. Team realized it was Manaow who shouted so it made him smile and somehow feel less frighten and the girl waved at him from a far.

"Wow what a supportive girl you have there." the other kind senior teased.

"You better give us an answer now. Can't you see you are causing a disturbance to the try out?!" the blonde senior said angrily. 

"I-i... uh.." Team stuttered, unsure if the reason is because he is being interrogated in front of a large audience or because of the blonde senior's anger.

"Stop it already, Win. You are scaring the kids too much." again the kind senior interrupted. 

"Don't worry 'P. I can do it, I promise." Team said and smiled at the other seniors but his smile became awkward as soon as his eyes met the fierce eyes of the blonde senior.

Team almost have been prevented to join the try out and was almost dragged to the clinic after he said that he haven't made the bruise checked by a doctor ever since he got it. 

The blonde senior suddenly poked Team's bruise. It was just like a light tap but still it made Team feel a little pain but of course he never showed any reaction, as he said, this pain is not new to him and he is so used to enduring body pain.

"Okay fine.. I give up. I think I'm now convinced that that bruise is not that serious." The blonde senior said.

"Nong just be reminded that we are not forcing you to finish the lap, if you ever feel something or if you are pained just stop and let us know, is that clear?!" The senior added with softer voice but still sounds as a threat to Team.

Team waiied at the seniors and thanked them for allowing him to join the try out. He also waiied to the other participants and asked for apologies for the commotion he caused.

As soon as the try out started, Team started feeling anxious and no matter how he is trying to maintain a poker face, his little movements were still making it obvious to specific persons watching over him from a far.

Team feels like his body is freezing and he's very close to having mental breakdown due to nervousness when he realized that he's about to be called by the seniors.  

"Team, fighting na ka~!!" Manaow cheered for him again from the bench.

Fortunately, Manaow's loud voice did not just snapped him back to his senses but also made him loosen up a bit.

Team passed the first round of the try out smoothly wherein 10 out of the 40 participants were eliminated already. Team also passed the second round however his record have quite fallen in comparison to how he did on the first round. During that round only 25 participants with the best average record from the first and second round will compete up to the third round where only the best 15 will be accepted to the club.

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