Turning Point (part 2)

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******* THIRD PERSON'S POV *******
Team started to stir from his sleep.

Despite falling asleep  after crying, he obviously still feels so much better. He was just asleep for more or less three hours yet he still feel so refreshed.
"Ahh.. It feels so nice to wake up feeling warm like this.." Team thought to himself as he stretched a little still with his eyes closed.
He breathed in as he continued to stir when he recognized the sweet flower-like scent that he has already gotten so familiar with...
It was the scent that have already grown on him...
It was the scent that have been a great help to him the past days...
It was the scent that can help make him calm...
That very soothing scent that  somehow gives him the same feeling of warmth and comfort just like his mother and granny's scent...
The scent that he have started to love and got so attached with...
"Hia..."  he thought to himself.

He opened up his eyes slowly as he tried to confirm if his guess was right.

He just realized that his face was actually rubbing between the neck and chest of the person sleeping right next to him, who have his arms wrapped around his body. 

He gently moved to loosen the hug of that person cause he wanted to be assured that it was really Win sleeping beside him.

As soon as he saw his face, he inexplicably felt more warm within him. It was like he felt so much reassured thinking that he is in the right place and with the right person.

He was at the same time so mesmerized with the way his face look so calm and peaceful. He find his sleeping face so enticing beyond words.

Win just suddenly looked so perfect, no he even actually felt like he was even beyond perfection at this moment.

Team doesn't know what he is feeling at this point and he wasn't sure what to expect any more.

Team cannot deny that he was feeling so good but at the same cannot also disregard that the more he feels good, the more everything frightens him. He is afraid that a sudden turn of events can literally ruin him again. 

He feels scared that he can no longer take any more pain because he realized that he has started to become more  too emotionally unstable as Win was able to shake him off.

What also scares him the most is that he knows Win was already able to cross over the wall that he has built to protect his fragile heart and that he has also even started to depend on him too much.

He clearly knows by now that Win has just made him more vulnerable as he also become his weakness.

Team was still intently staring at Win's face when he stirred a little.

His body froze and his mind went blank as he suddenly feels startled. He became more shocked when Win suddenly pulled him closer to his body.

He frantically tried so hard to held on his breathing in order for him to hide away the loud beating of his heart.

He was struggling to breathe until he heaved out a sigh as a sign of giving up but he was still hoping that he was not caught because he will for sure feel too embarrassed to face him after tonight. 

After a while, Win did not move again or show any sign that he is awake which made Team feel extremely relieved.

He fought the urge to stare at him again but sooner he started to slowly lift up his head again to be able to see his face.

"Hia...?" he softly whispered just to check if he will receive any response from the other but there was no reaction from him.

He tried to call him again but still got no response.

"You must've been too exhausted because of me, Hia..." Team whispered as he gently reach out his hand to his face to caress him and remove the hair strands blocking his beautiful face.



******* TEAM'S POV *******


"Shiaaa~~ Hia look way more handsome up close." I mentally confessed.
"He look so much more soft and kinder while sleeping... How can he look this good?!" I asked myself.
I gently caressed his face with my fingers. I touched the bridge of his nose, lightly traced his jaw and gently brushed his eyebrows with my fingers.
"Why do you look so good in my eyes, Hia?" I asked to my self as my hearbeat started getting wilder.
"Why do you have to be this perfect?" I whispered.

"SHIT! Why am I feeling like this?!? I am not supposed to feel anything like this." I mentally cursed myself as I realized what is happening within me.
Unconsciously, my fingers are already hovering over his soft plush lips and damn it..
I'm doomed.
I just know that I am totally fucked up now.
This is bad....too bad!!
This is so wrong!!!
"I FUCKING KNOW THIS IS WRONG BUT WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING RIGHT NOW?!?!?" I mentally scolded myself as I can't seem to fight the urge to keep on touching his lips.
Why does he have such an enticing lips?!?!
I just remembered that this seductive lips were the one who stole my first kiss....

"I miss the touch of his lips against mine...."

I closed my eyes in frustrations and withdrew my hand.
No!! I should stop this shit!!
This is not right!!
I kept on debating with myself for a short while, trying to make me realize what a huge mistake it is to even entertain all these feelings that he is making me feel, until I felt him moved.
He pulled my body closer towards him and  I felt my heart skipped a bit.
My eyes are still tightly shut off when I felt his lips lightly touched my forehead sending a tingling sensation all over my body.
I know I was not able to see it with my own eyes but I am freaking sure that it was his lips.
"Hia..?" I whispered softly to check if he is awake but there was no response from him.
I nervously opened my eyes to check but I was startled to realize that his lips was too close to my face that that it almost  brushing over my nose.
I wonder if I can kiss him right now but I am too scared to do it because I wouldn't know what to do once he woke up.
For some reason, I can't seem to remove my eyes away from his tempting lips.
His face all of a sudden moved closer and leaned more towards me that with just one wrong move our lips would definitely touch each other.
Something within me snapped and I just found myself closing the gap between us.

Originally Published: Jan 26, 2021

Edited: March 24, 2021

I've Never Been This CloseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin