Chapter 3

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Luke's P.O.V


I like Ashton. I like Ashton a lot.

He's my whole world and we've only known each other a couple of weeks now.

I like how he giggles and the way his dimples curve in like craters when he smiles or laughs. The way his dirty blonde curls bounce whenever he drums his fork and spoon on the table at lunch. I like the T-Shirts and bracelets he wears. The way my name easily rolls off his tongue. How his green-brown eyes light up when he sees his friends. How he's so insecure about his voice, but really, it's so beautiful and amazing.

How his fingers slot into mine perfectly. How he kisses my forehead and let's me know how beautiful I am. How he asked me to be his boyfriend a month ago. How his lips feel against mine.

I pull away slowly, the taste lingering upon my lips. I bit my bottom lip and looked up into his eyes.

So when he came to me one night, crying and biting back sobs so he wouldn't wake the lads in the other bunks, I told him how much he meant to me.

"Ashton," I spoke as I held his head to my chest, "I like you a lot. You're not just beautiful, you're unique. You're everything everyone dreams of. I love all of you and your flaws along. The way you're so insecure about the scars on your arms and how you hate your voice to pieces, but fuck, Ashton, I could listen to you sing and talk all night." I entwined our fingers together and held our hands up so he could see.

"How our hands are completely different sizes, but our fingers fit together perfectly. Your curls, oh god, I'm in love with your curls. You're different from any guy I've ever met, Ashton Irwin." I bent down and mumbled the next words in his ear.

"And I like how our lips shape each other's. How my name rolls off your tongue so easily. How I can already picture myself being with you for a very long time.

"You're my everything, Ashton. My everything."

He sniffled and looked up at me with big doe eyes and I stared right back, smiling softly. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"I like you, too, Luke."

"A lot." I whispered.

He nodded and laid his head back on my chest.

"A lot."


"Did you ever find out what was wrong with Ash?" Calum asked as he chewed on a chip messily along with Michael.

I shook my head.

"Why?" Michael mumbled as he reached for another chip, chomping on it once it hit his tongue.

I cringed. Chips are really greasy and that's why I've never really liked chips.

I shrugged, "Felt like it was none of my business, you know."

"No," Calum shook his head, "No, I don't know."

I sighed.

"It's... it's complicated, alright?" I didn't want to explain because I myself didn't even have an answer as to why I never asked him.

He had fallen asleep on my chest last night and when I woke up in the morning, he wasn't there. I was waiting for him right now at lunch.

"Have you seen him?" Michael asks. I shook my head no.

"Go look for him then," Calum suggested.

I shook my head no.

"Why? Do you not care about him?" Calum asked.

I glared at him from across the table.

"Nice, Calum. How about shove the rest of those chips up your ass, why don't you? And while you're at it, fuck off from my private life," I grumbled and stood up, going outside to search for my boyfriend.

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