Chapter 12

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(A/N I half feel like this is rushed and half not)

Luke's P.O.V


1 Year Later

Back to camp. To the place where I first found love.

"Got your things packed, honey?" my mom asked sweetly. I cringed, only nodding.

Just like before, we drove to the camp, but in silence. Total silence.

Once we got there, I got out of the car and didn't say one goodbye to my mom. No kiss or hug. Nothing.

"Hey," Calum smiled and ran up to me. I nodded my head once at him.

"There's a surprise waiting for you in the cabin." I furrowed my eyebrows.

He placed his hand on the small of my back and pushed me forward lightly. Walking towards the cabin, I wondered what it could be.

A surprise. Now what would Calum give me as a surprise?

We stepped into the cabin and he pushed me to the back where my bunk was last time. There, sitting with all of his glory, was Ashton Irwin.

I only cried.


"I'm seeing things aren't I?" I whimpered and turned towards Calum. He shook his head no.

"Please tell me I'm seeing things," I whispered and squeezed my eyes shut.

I only heard footsteps walking away.

My hand clenched around the strap of my suitcase harder.

The bunk creaked from movement and I heard soft footsteps padding towards me.

"No," I whispered.

"No, I'm not ready," I croaked.

A hand rested upon my shoulder and I dropped my suitcase, emitting a loud thud. Every inch of my body shook as Ashton turned me around ever so slowly and soon his long, buff arms wrapped around my waist. He inhaled slowly, breathing in my scent.

I held my breath.

After a few moments of standing, he pulled back and his hands found their ways to my cheeks.

"God, I've missed you," he whispered, eyes searching my own.

"I forgot you." My voice shook. "I forgot you and everything we did with so much effort and it killed me. A year, Ashton. A year. Why? Why did you want to get away from me?" I jerked away from his touch and stood as tall as I could.

"You gave me a summer of love and then you fucking leave. So, I forgot. I was actually starting to smile and eat and talk again and now you come back. You're the one who caused my depression and I never wanted to see you again once I got over you. Explain to me why the fuck you almost killed me?"

He stared at me.

"After camp ended I had to get away from all the bullshit in my family. Parents had just gotten divorced, mother starting to abuse me. But I had to get away from you because I was scared, Luke. I was scared because I always thought of you and I had never loved someone like you. I thought of proposing to you and adopting kids with you. Getting a pet and owning a house and living our dreams. I was just scared."

I stared at him.

"When I went to ask your mom why you weren't answering any of our calls, she seemed fine besides being really skinny." He scoffed.

"Yea, fine."

"Why America?"


"No. No. You don't just move to America because of fucking family problems and to get away from a stupid boy."

"Well, it's true. And you're not stupid."

"Why are you back?" A silence fell over us.

"I came back for you."

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