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A month later.

The sun wasn't even up yet, and Riley felt like her insides were twisting and pushing against her bones. So, she ran to the bathroom. Sweat running across her forehead, she let it all out. Flushing the toilet, she wiped her mouth only to feel rubbing her back.

"You, ok?" he asked, his eyes filled concern.

She nodded. "Yeah."

"You sure? You been vomiting a lot this whole week."

She felt grim and scared, thinking of the worst. She ran her hands through her hair as she sat on the bathroom. "I'm scared to even know what's happening to me. Sometimes I can't even eat the foods I like because the scent of it all makes me sick."

Cameron reached into the cabinet and pulled out a pink box, pregnancy test. "Maybe this will help figure out what's up?"

She sighed, already having an idea of what's been going on with her considering that she's been through this six times before. "If it's positive, would you-"

"I would never," he said without hesitation. "You know that."

"Just be patient with me. My hormones are going to rage a bit."

He laughed lightly. "Love, I'm going to support you every step of the way."

She then opened the box and went to do the test.

Five minutes felt like five hours. Five hours felt like five days. Riley finally picked up the test and read the results. It almost fell out of her hands as she read the results. Tears pooled against her eyes, hands shaking, she showed Cameron the results. He hugged her tightly, teary-eyed.

"We're going to be parents," she whispered. "We're going to be parents. Holy crap."

"Yeah..." he said, voice shaky. "We are. I love you."

"I love you too, bub," she playfully jabbed his shoulder.

Their sweet moment was cut short when both their phones went off and a notification popped up.

Both Ben Carson and Queen Miranda have been found dead.


"Now, why are we here?" Tito asked, blankly.

Cameron pulled up an article showing Miranda and Ben's image on the screen behind him. "Both Ben and Miranda are dead."

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Sylvia asked.

"Yes, and no," Riley told her straightforwardly. "I wanted her to die by my hands."

"Guess, she couldn't take the mental torment anymore," Cameron chuckled.

"How far did you go this time?" Riley asked, looking at him not surprised. "I hope you didn't go threaten Alyssa and Charlie."

"I would never, love," Cameron gave her a playful smile. "However, I did get something though."

"What did you get?" Tito asked.

"Well, more information on her family. Especially on your connection to her, Agent W-"

"Mom. Just call me, mom, son," she corrected with an accepting smile.

He smiled back then went back to being serious. "Margret isn't the only royal Miranda killed."

"So, who was the first?"

"Well, Margret was pregnant with her third kid when she died," Cameron revealed.

"And now, Miranda's dead. But who would go and kill Ben?"

That's when Krushiv came in. "Ma'am, sir, I think you should see this."

"What is it?" Cameron asked.

Krushiv placed the folder in front of them. "Ben collected one more victim before he died."

"Who is it this time?" Riley asked.

As Krushiv opened the folder for all of them to see, Cameron noticed the name. He felt his heart dropped when he noticed it. The name was all too familiar to him. "Fiona Gibson."

Riley looked at Cameron, sensing that he knew the name or person. "You know her?"

Cameron nodded, "She was one of the girls at the warehouse remember?"

Thinking back, she would always notice a girl older than her. She was one of the girls that made fun of her too. However, Riley wasn't expecting to reunite with anyone from the warehouse. But what was the motive in killing Ben? Was she sent by someone to kill him?



The last and final chapter of Behind the Mask. Thank you guys so much for supporting it.

For real, the series wouldn't have continued if it weren't for you guys.

I had a blast writing this. It was so much fun.

Don't worry though, Riley and Cameron's story isn't over yet.

Thank you for all reading this book and Black Mask. I appreciate it so much.

I hope these days helped bring some joy to you in times like this. The pandemic has been an interesting experience. I hope this book helped you get through quarantine.

More content coming soon!

See you guys next time!

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