xxiv: tension

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There was an obvious tension between Jaehyung and Mari. His hatred for her slowly began to grow at every passing moment. They continued sparring, but this time Jaehyung's anger was palpable and it looked like he was taking out on Mari as she continued to stumble against his force. Mari simply looked frustrated at the whole ordeal. Her eyes continued glancing at Jaehyung in the eye every few seconds, almost to check on how he was faring.

"Are you even trying your best?" he snapped at her when Mari fell down to the floor.

By now, some of the students noticed their dynamic. Mari, still on the floor closed her eyes. "I don't think you have much right in being furious right now, Kim Jaehyung."

"So are you implying to me that you should be more angry than I am?" Jaehyung shook his head. "Nevermind and get up already. Surely you can do much better."

They versed each other once more. This time, Mari ran straight at him, her whole body lit up in fire. Jaehyung spun around her, jabbing at her foot and she fell to the ground once more.

"At this rate," he said. "Jeongsuk can easily beat you."

He noticed immediately as Professor Klaus headed over them. Letting out a frustrated breath, he turned away from Mari as she got up.

"Students," Professor Klaus said, "Is everything alright?"

Jaehyung glanced at the other students staring at them before turning to Professor Klaus.
"You should ask Mari what's happening," was all he said. "In my opinion, I really don't think we work well together."

Mari huffed, wiping dust of her clothes. "Sorry, professor. I'm lacking in motivation today and it seems I'm very exhausted."

Professor Klaus looks at Mari and shook his head, "I expected much more from you. Well, as the last lesson for your cycle, I suppose the other classes were tiring. Mari, how about you spar with me?"

Professor Klaus glanced at Jaehyung, "You two should resolve your issues once everything is over. Especially you, Mari, as you are one of the senior students in Kings Academy."

"I shall keep that in mind, Professor Klaus," Mari murmured but there was an intensity in it that wasn't there before.

Jaehyung scoffed when Mari clearly changed her tact as she fought with the professor. It was clear that she was trying this time.

Turning away, he grabbed his coat and stalked away, his face looking like an expression of disinterest but inside, he was fuming in anger.

"She truly made a fool out of you," Yuna said, smiling bitterly as she leaned her back on the wall.

"Not as much as you, sister," Jaehyung said, putting his gloves on. It was nearly the end of the class, anyway. "How did a person like her end up defeating you?"

Yuna cocked her head, "Perhaps I was wrong..." she mused. "Maybe you have changed."


"The last time all three of us were together," Yuna spoke, ignoring him. "Whenever Sungho and I struggled with the lessons, you would simply glare at us and say you ''mustn't hurt the family name. Do not ever humiliate us." It was rather a common occurrence."

From his memories, she was indeed correct. "What difference does that make?"

"Truthfully, and to many others, it makes none. However, when it concerns you, Jaehyung, it means everything, especially when it comes to our family. The fact that you are not even making comments dealing with our family name now already makes me feel as if you are no longer my brother anymore."

He couldn't help but laugh, "How absurd," was all he said. Yuna was indeed correct. He was no longer the Kim Jaehyung she knew, but someone else from an entirely different world.

"Of course, I'm only saying that lightly. To me, our family name was your only identity. Now, it seems you no longer have any concerns for it. Keep in mind, everything about you, even the way you act, is still very much the same."

"I don't care either way," Jaehyung said. "I am just here for my own benefit and nothing else."

He turned away, "By the way, please keep mindful of your words. Father always has his eyes out on us."

"I heard from Adalyn," Yuna casually said, "About the matter with father. It appears he wants to talk to you."

"Whatever father wants has nothing to do with you," he snapped.

"Oh but believe me, it tells me many things. For starters, I want to meet him. I have things to discuss with him." Yuna's eyes glazed over. Jaehyung glanced back and was surprised to see such anger and hatred in it.

In the novel, Yuna always yearned for her father's attention.

"What did father do this time?" Jaehyung inquired.

"Nothing. Except for the fact that he is neglecting Sungho's learning capabilities."


"Sungho obviously needs harder advanced material content. Father is purposely keeping him learning material that is much too easy. He is being pushed back in his full potential. Do you know why, brother? It's because of you."

Jaehyung couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh. "Do you think I decide the actions in which father takes? From what I know, Sungho has always been average."

"Exactly," Yuna insisted. "He gets taken the average tests and study those topics. He should be years ahead."

"You are not his mother," said Jaehyung. "Why must you tell father yourself for only his benefit?"

"Because I care," Yuna said simply. "You just don't understand."

"But what if Sungho was really just an average student?"

Yuna stepped back, "But what if? You certainly shouldn't say such things. You have no right to mention it, in fact, because you've left Sungho and I to ourselves. While we stayed together, you went on ahead, doing god knows what. What right do you have to say what if when you weren't even with us majority of the time. Last time I saw, you truly detested us. Even now, I can see your dislike."

"What right? Why is everyone so adamant on rights on me these days," Jaehyung leaned forward to his sister so he could meet her in the eyes. Gosh, the two of them truly looked like siblings. "What if I told you I wasn't the real Jaehyung and that this is a novel world completely made up? What if I told you that somewhere out there, your real brother still exists on and I am just a stranger in this body."

"What I would do? Nothing. You still act like you did all these years back when we were together. The only thing that's different is your loyalty and pride towards our family. There's no way these things you mentioned actually happen in real life."

"You'd be surprised, sister." Jaehyung said coldly.

Jeongsuk walked over to them, as he wasn't that far away from them. Jaehyung wondered if the protagonist had overheard their conversation. If Jeongsuk had, indeed, heard their conversation, he hadn't mentioned it.

"Classes have ended," Jeongsuk informed them, tightening his satchel straps. "Adalyn's waiting for you, Yuna, and Leo, Mark and Damon are also waiting as well."

"Tell all of them to go without me," Jaehyung ordered. "I have to attend some matters." Looking around the training grounds, he found that Jeongsuk was indeed correct. Most of the students had gone, save for Toshiro who was currently talking with Professor Klaus as they headed outside the training grounds.

Jaehyung watched Yuna and Jeongsuk leave, their figures rounding across the doors of the training grounds and disappearing.

Standing there in the silence of the training grounds, Jaehyung realized that he was truly alone.

a/n: was terribly sick these past few days, lack of motivation and all, plus this maths and english test but I'm much better now so :)

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