Chapter Thirteen- I Never Want To Lose My Best Friend.

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May 2013

I sat on the beach with Luke looking out to the water, the sky was grey and no one else but we were on the beach. The water was still but there were still waves but they were slow.  I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. ‘’This is perfect, just us on the beach’’ Luke said. ‘’Yeah it is’’. I looked up at the sky, there were clouds gathering around. ‘’Four months’’ I whispered up to the sky. ‘’I know you miss him Charlie’’ Luke said. ‘’Why hasn’t he come back yet, he always does?’’ I asked Luke. ‘’If I had a good answer I would tell you it, but I don’t’’.  ‘’It’s okay, like I still have hope that he’s going to come back Luke I just know it’’ I said and smiled looking up at Luke. I felt a raindrop land on my cheek, ‘’It’s starting to rain’’ I said. ‘’It’s not bad, we can stay out here longer if you want’’ Luke said. ‘’It’s not bad yet, let’s just hope it doesn’t just start pouring all of a sudden’’ I said and laughed. I spoke too soon, all of a sudden rain started coming down. ‘’You jinxed us I guess’’ Luke said. I quickly got up, ‘’let’s go I guess’’. Before I could get up Luke picked me up and I screamed, he started twirling me around. ‘’Luke!’’ I yelled. He laughed and started bringing me towards the water. ‘’What are you doing, you are not throwing me in the water’’ I said. He started walking into the water getting deeper. ‘’Luke don’t let go of me!’’. He started getting ready to throw me, ‘’Luke!’’ I shouted and he dropped me into the water. The water wasn’t warm yet. ‘’Oh my gosh Luke it’s freezing!’’. Luke splashed me and I splashed him back. I ran out of the cold water back to the beach. ‘’That water is freezing, it’s only May Luke!’’.  He ran out of the water. ‘’Come on little miss princess, let’s go back to my car’’. I ran to Luke’s car and went into the passenger seat. He went into the car and turned it on, ‘’Well were soaked’’ I said. ‘’I’ll bring you home’’ Luke said. The rain started pouring down harder, ‘’I can barely see the road Charlie’’. The wipers were clearing it up well but not good enough, the front mirror were starting to clear when we saw a truck coming are way, Luke ran the car off the road into a field. ‘’Charlie, are you okay!’’ Luke shouted. ‘’Yeah, I’m fine’’ I looked at Luke’s forehead he had a big cut on it. ‘’Luke your forehead it has a huge cut on it ‘’don’t worry I’m fine’’. He kissed my head, ‘’All I care is that you’re okay’’. Luke got out of the car to look, ‘’Well we have two flat tires and some of the glass of the front window has been cracked’’. ‘’Great, were stranded in the middle of a field and your hurt’’ I said. “Do you have your phone?’’ asked Luke. ‘’Yeah I do, I’ll call the police’’. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed the police for help, ‘’Hello, I’m Charlie Smith I just got into a car accident and me and my friend Luke need help getting out of here, Luke’s hurt’’ I said into the phone. I told them details on where we were and hung up the phone. ‘’They said they’ll be here in a little while’’. I looked down at my hand; it had a cut in it. ‘’You sure you’re okay?’’ asked Luke, holding his head stumbling as he walked. He looked at my hand, ‘’your hand it has a cut on it’’. ‘’It isn’t as bad as the cut on your forehead’’ I said. I held the small container attached to the small chain around my neck that had my father’s regeneration energy in it and then I started hearing sirens of police and ambulances. The vehicles pulled into the field next to us and they rushed over to us, I sat against the car still grasping on to my necklace. I looked over to Luke and saw the men treating Luke. ‘’I-I’m okay” I heard Luke say then he fell to the ground. I ran over to him pushing the people out of the way, ‘’Luke!’’ I shouted. His eyes were closed. The people were pulling me away. One of the men took my hand, ‘’you hurt your hand too, the cut looks deep too’’. ‘’No I’m fine”. ‘’Were taking you and your friend to the hospital’’. I looked at them, ‘’No’’ I demanded. ‘’Come with me miss’’, one of the men grabbed my not hurt hand tight and brought me to the back of one of the hospitals, ‘’Let go of me!’’ I shouted. They took me up to the back of the ambulance and closed the doors me alone, without my Luke. I closed my eyes and held onto the container tight. I looked down at my hand; the men were so busy with Luke they forgot to wrap my bleeding hand. It started to sting and burn. I lay down on the cot that was inside the ambulance, I could heal my injury right now, right here. But I remember my father said to only use if I was in a real trouble and I felt this wasn’t it. I felt the ambulance stop; two men hurryingly opened the back doors to the ambulance and took me out still lying on the cot. They brought me thru the emergency part of the hospital, ‘’my hand isn’t an emergency!’’ I shouted. I could smell death and sickness, people were rushing to me. ‘’Are you still okay?’’ a women looking like a nurse asked me. ‘’Yeah I’m fine’’ I responded. They brought me into a one bed hospital room; I got off the cot and lay on the hospital bed. ‘’Where is Luke?’’ I asked. The nurse didn’t respond, ‘’Tell me where my best friend is!’’ I shouted. The nurse continued to ignore me, ‘’Please tell me, I want to know if he is okay!’’. The nurse ignored my request and closed the curtain surrounding the bed and left the room... I laid drowned in my thoughts of Luke. I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards the curtain, ‘’Hello?’’ I asked. No one seemed to answer. Suddenly a man with dirty blond hair opened the curtain, “Rory!’’ I shouted and ran over to him to give him a hug. ‘’Well hello Charlie, haven’t seen you a longtime’’. “I know, ever since Christmas eve!’’. He looked at my hand, ‘’what happened to your hand?’’ he asked. ‘’’Me and Luke, we got into a car accident’’. ‘’Is Luke okay?’’. ‘’He has a huge cut in his forehead, and last time I saw him he passed out, I’m really worried’’ I said. ‘’Well go sit on the bed and I’ll look at your hand for you’’ Rory said. I sat on the edge of the bed. Rory grabbed my hand and took a look of it, ‘’I  know I’m fine, I don’t know why they had to make such a big deal out of a small little cut on my hand’’. ‘’The cut isn’t small Charlie, you’re going to need stiches in it’’ Rory said. ‘’No, I’m really fine, it doesn’t hurt or anything’’ I said, then muttered ‘’Ouch’’ to myself.  ‘’They won’t hurt to get stitched in, we put stuff on your cut to numb it’’.  Rory put some ointment on a cloth, ‘’this might sting’’. He rubbed the ointment on my hand. ‘’You know so you don’t have to do this, I do have this’’. I unlinked the necklace and took the container off the necklace. ‘’What is that?’’ Rory asked. ‘’My father gave this to me for Christmas, it’s some of his regeneration energy’’. ‘’You don’t want to waste that, stiches will help I promise’’ Rory said and gave me his smile. ‘’Fine, please do it quick though’’ I said. He took lace and a needle out of the wrapped package, ‘’Okay close your eyes and think of something special, it helps it not to hurt’’. I closed my eyes and thought of Luke and my father. I felt a pinch go into my hand, then another, and another in till I heard Rory say “All done, see it wasn’t bad’’. I opened my eyes there were six stiches in my hand, ‘’so this is what it feels like to get stitched up’’.  ‘’And no regeneration energy required’’ Rory laughed. I laughed along with him, ‘’Now stay here, call your mum with your phone or the hospital phone, okay?’’. I nodded, ‘’you might also need to stay overnight so we can keep a watch on you’’ Rory said leaving the room. I went to my phone and called my mother, ‘’Hello?’’ I heard her answer the phone. ‘’Hello mum, it’s Charlie, I’m at the hospital I was in a car accident’’. ‘’Charlie are you okay, I’ll be right there’’ she shouted into the phone. ‘’I’m fine, they’re going to have me stay overnight so they can keep a watch on me’’. ‘’Have they hurt you in anyway?’’ she asked. I could hear her already on the street trying to get a taxi. ‘’No mum, there just nurses and doctors’’. ‘’I’ll be right there honey I just got into a taxi right now’’.  ‘’Okay mother, goodbye’’ I said and hung up the phone. ‘’Oh great’’.

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