Chapter Eight- My Father.

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“I was born sixteen years ago to my mother, my father was there on the day of my birth but then he had to leave shortly after it, and now I really need him, I don’t know if he is dead or has moved somewhere else, I just really miss him, and all these dreams I have, there scare me”. “What are your dreams about?” asked the doctor. “I first got this dream that was some voice that was a man and he said time is on your side, and just now I had a dream that seemed so much like reality it was my father leaving and these angry robot voices came out of nowhere they were saying things like EXTERMINIATE, EXTERMINIATE, my father said they were something called daleks and I think they were after me’’. He looked at me and gave me a hug. I looked into his hazel blue eyes and he looked into my pure blue eyes. “I have been looking for you for so long’’ the doctor said. ‘’W-what do you mean?’’ I asked. He kissed my forehead. ‘’Your real name isn’t Ellie, I know your real name’’. I looked into his eyes again. ‘’Your name is Charlie, and Charlie your my daughter, and I’m your dad, your father’’. My face felt warm and happy tears started going down my cheek. ‘’Sweetie, I have finally found you, I should’ve known when I saw those blue eyes, blue as the sea, and your blond hair, that it was you, my daughter’’. The doctor, the mad man in his blue box was my father, the father that I had been looking for so long, sixteen years. ‘’Well dad, I’m sixteen now, it’s been sixteen years since you saw me, and I saw you’’ I said. ‘’You have grown up to be so much like your mum, so lovely, so beautiful’’. ‘’Dad, I knew you would come back, whenever I was lonely, when I was a little girl mum always used to say he always keeps his promises and it always made me feel better’’. I took my bag from the floor and opened it too take the picture of them together in Ireland. ‘’What’s that?” my father asked. ‘’it’s a picture of you and mum, in eighteen century Ireland’’. ‘’She always wanted to go there, we went there the same day that we both found out that you were going to be born’’. I giggled. ‘’Well mother, is always that way, she is determined to do something in till it was done’’ I said. Í gave him another hug, and then I felt the feeling that a hammer was slamming on my head, the migraine feeling had come back. I lay back down. ‘’You alright Charlie?’’. ‘’My head still hurts, I’m used to getting migraines so It’s fine’’ I said. We heard a knock on the door. ‘’We have Ellie’s medicine for her head’’ the voice of Amy said. ‘’You can come in’’. Amy and Rory walked in to the sitting room. I lay back up, sitting next to my father. Amy handed me the medicine and took it with a gulp of water. ‘’Oh, my name isn’t really Ellie by the way, it’s Charlie’’ I said. ‘’Also you two, Rory Amy, this is my daughter’’. A surprised look came to Rory and Amy’s face. ‘’Y-your daughter?” Rory asked. ‘’Yes Mr. Pond, my daughter’’. A big grin came to my face, just the sound of my father saying ‘’this is my daughter’’. ‘’Anything else you have to tell me raggedy?’’ asked Amy. ‘’Not sure yet, this day is just full of surprises isn’t it?’’ my dad asked. ‘’I guess so’’ Rory said. I looked out the window it was dark and I looked at the clock, it was already 8 o’clock PM. ‘’Everything alright?” asked Amy. ‘’My mum is going to be worried sick!’’. Then I remembered the feeling I got last time I was home, mum didn’t care at all about me, I could just runaway, I have my father now, I’m safe, I don’t need my mum. ‘’Can I just stay here the night and call her in the morning?’’ I asked. ‘’Its fine, your like family is some way now to me and Rory, you being my best friend’s daughter and all’’ Amy said. A bright smile appeared the my face. ‘’Thank you very much Amy’’  I said. ‘’Aw, no problem’’. ‘’Well I guess me and Amy are off to bed we like to get up early in the morning’’ Rory said. ‘’Alright, you two go off to bed now, I’ll stay down here, with my daughter, Charlie’’. They closed the living room door. ‘’Dad, tell me a story of one of places you’ve been too, like the stars’’ I said. ‘’Sure, I remember the face like it was yesterday that you made when I brought you up to the stars’’. I tucked the blanket up to my chin so I’d stay warm. ‘’Well the stars are just so bright, and there is so much more then this world, earth, I’ve been to planets in the future and in the past, I’ve been to a floating United Kingdom in space before, me and Amy went there it was a very good moment we had together there’, but anyways back to my story, space is never ending, me and my little blue spaceship can go anywhere in space, to any planets, anywhere’’. My eyes started to fall by themselves, drifting me into my sleep. I felt a warm kiss on my forehead of my father and fell asleep.

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