Chapter Seven- I Just Wanna Runaway.

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I started running down the hall and into the bathroom, locking the door to the bathroom behind me. I slid down the door and started to cry more. I missed my dad I had never seen with my grown-up eyes. "Dad, if you can hear me while I'm in this emotional state, can you please find me, somehow" I said. I crawled in the corner and whispered "Doctor, doctor". I felt my face it was warm. "I wish you were here doctor" I whispered.

I heard a knock on the bathroom door and my eyes widened in surprise, I ran to the door and quickly unlocked it and ran into one of the stalls locking the stall door. I stepped on top of the toilet seat and held my breathe. "Someone was in here I know you were" a girls voice said. I heard a stall close and lock. I quietly unlocked the door and tip toed out of the stall. The stall door whipped open and a ginger haired girl said "come with me", she grabbed my hand. "Who are you?" I asked. "You'll find out soon". We ran out of my school and got to a car. "Get into the car" the lady said. "No, I don't just go with some strange lady and get into her car!" I demanded. "Did you hear that, she called me strange"? "Please just get into the car so we can go" the man in the front seat said. My mother always told me never to trust strangers, but for some reason I trusted the ginger haired lady. I opened the car door and nodded my head at her. I slid into the car and slammed the door shut. The lady got in the car and the man started to drive. We got onto the highway to get out of London, "So where exactly are you taking me?" I asked. "Back to my house, it's only a little bit out of London". "Where is your home?" "Leadworth" the woman answered. "Also another question, by perhaps can I know your names?" I asked. "Oh yes, my name is Amy and this is my husband driving Rory". "Oh my name is...." I hesitated not wanting to tell them my real name, just to be safe. "My name is Ellie". "Oh Ellie, I like that name" Amy said. I smiled at her. I sat back in the car seat. She looked back at me into my eyes. "You had been crying, I can just see it in your eyes, they look like glass". "Oh I-I'm fine". She looked at me, "No you aren't you have something on your mind". "No, I'm serious I'm fine Amy'' I said. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the photo of me and the doctor and sighed. She kept staring at me. "I'm just going to listen to my music now'' I said. Amy sighed. I put my headphones on my head and listened to my music. A song by one of my favorite bands came on, it was a band called "The Who", and the song was "Behind Blue Eyes". The song was a slow but then it the middle a bursting sound. One of my favorite songs to listen to when trying to fall asleep. I closed my eyes and let myself go. I could hear slight whispers in the front of ''is she sleeping?''. ''I don't think so''. I could hear the sounds of the highway and all the cars passing us. I started to drift to sleep, I could see what my mom would be thinking now, and she probably wouldn't be worried about me now that she has her new little boyfriend, the replacement of my father. She didn't worry about her only daughter, as much as her daughter worried about her, it couldn't be true. I started having a dream, seeming so much like reality. "Are you ever going to come back?" a younger but familiar voice sounded. ''I promise you Erica, and I will get to see a grown up of are beautiful daughter'' a man's voice said. I immediately thought of whom it was, it was my mother and my father talking about him coming back someday. The man I hadn't seen his face yet gave my mother a hug, the man was going out the door and was about to turn around. I finally could see my father's face, for the one time in my life ever. All of a sudden I heard a loud voice saying sounding like a robot, "EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!" "Take are daughter and go to London, Daleks will never go there, at least not for now, I'll get them all for you, my only love Erica''. I felt my body shaking, I wanted to open my eyes get out of this nightmare. ''EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE" the angry robot sounds repeated over and over. Somehow I felt like I was in the dream, and that the things my father called Daleks where after me. I felt tears of my body getting warm... "Goodbye Erica, Goodbye little beautiful girl" my dad said going out the door kissing my little baby forehead. I reached out to my dad and yelled "Dad don't leave, dad!" I was too late; he was already out the door to protect me and my mother. I felt someone touching my warm forehead. "Dad!" I yelled once more and opened my eyes. I was lying on a couch in what looked like a sitting room. "What where am I?" I asked. ''My home, this is me and Rory's home, you fell asleep in the car so I got your bag and Rory carried you in and my friend helped lay you down and make you comfy on the couch, and he checked your forehead, you where having a nightmare'' Amy said. ''Oh thank you'' I said and smiled at her and Rory. My head was pounding from a headache. ''Who's your friend, also do you happen to have some ibuprofen?" I asked. "Yeah I do, Rory can go get you some also my friend is right here''. She grinned at me. "Doctor the girl is awake!". Á smile came to my face, he was here. He appeared into the room. "Ah, sorry for having my dear friend Amy capture you from school but here I am, you called?" he asked. ''I-I didn't latterly call you, like on the phone'' I said. ''Yes you did call me, I heard you saying my name last night, your voice sounded distressed, like you really needed someone to talk to'' he said. "I-I did''. The doctor nodded at Amy and Rory a nod asking them to leave the room. They exited the room closing the door behind them. ''Doctor, I'm a mess, I just need someone to talk to, I want to tell you what's on my mind'' I said. ''I have ears, and I'm always up for a story'' he said and grinned at me. ''Well it started sixteen years ago...''.

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