Chapter Nine - Just Talk.

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I opened my eyes and awoke to brightness, I looked at the clock it was six fifty AM. I heard no one awake yet in the house. I sat up and yawned, I could hear that no one was up yet, ever since I was only just a girl I always didn’t like being the first one up when I slept over someone’s house, even Jullianna’s home, it felt too weird.  I looked around the small sitting room, there was a television and other stuff a person would find in a regular sitting room. I stood up and stretched off to find my father to see if he was awake, I quietly opened the door to the sitting room and tip toed thru the halls, not trying to wake anyone who still may be asleep. At this time I would be usually eating breakfast with my mother at the breakfast table, if I wasn’t late or hadn’t gone up late. I would smell the wonderful smell of pancakes and the sweet smell of maple syrup. I would still be in my pajamas and my mother would be trying to make me eat faster so I could still get ready and look pretty for my day at school which started at eight thirty AM. I thought to myself “Wonder if mom worried about me last night, I bet she didn’t I bet she was with her new boyfriend, Christopher, the man who replaced my father that I have finally met after sixteen years of my life’’. I still hadn’t heard anyone awake yet so I walked back into the sitting room and got comfy again on the couch. I grabbed my bag and quietly took my phone out of the front pocket. I unlocked the screen that labeled ‘’ten missed calls from mother’’. ‘’You called me a lot last night mom to be spending so much time with Christopher’’ I thought to myself. I sighed and thought of how worried or not worried she was about me. The words ‘’he always keeps his promises’’ echoed in my head. I smiled, I guess that was true. I opened my text messages to find twenty text messages from my mum saying ‘’me and Christopher are very worried, where the bloody hell are you, wherever you are please come home, I miss you very much sweetie’’. After twenty messages of that one last message read ‘’Sweetie, the police are getting involved they will find you, please respond to my messages to know your safe’’.  I heard footsteps upstairs going down the hall to go downstairs. I slipped my phone into my bag and turned the other way of the couch so I could fake sleep. I did this always at Jullianna’s or anywhere else I slept over to make it like I wasn’t the first one awake. I heard the sitting room door open a crack, it was probably Amy or my father peeking through to see if I was awake or not. I heard a whisper of a Scottish accent ‘’She is still asleep it looks, don’t wake her I bet she is very tired’’. It was Amy probably telling Rory not to wake me. I quietly took my phone out again and went on the internet, my homepage was BBC News. All I saw was a banner saying ‘’sixteen year old girl missing from London’’. Now this was bad, the media had found out I was missing. I opened the article and read it ‘’Monday afternoon sixteen year old Charlie Smith never came home, she lives in London with her mum, Charlie was last seen in The Music School of London, and hasn’t been seen since, the London police are urging you to call them if you have any information with where about this girl may be, her family is pleading for her safely back home’’. I closed my internet browser and went back to the text messages that my mother had sent me begging for me to text her back or call her. ‘’I’m sorry mum, I want to live my life with my father, not you’’ I said quietly to myself. I did feel bad, but it was her that didn’t tell me in the first place she had been dating without me knowing. I went to my photos and looked at the photo the first time I ever had met him that I took in my school renaming it ‘’the first time daughter met her father’’.  I couldn’t lie down any longer I slowly got up and went down the hall to where Amy and Rory were. ‘’Morning Charlie, how did you sleep?’’ asked Amy. ‘’Good thank you, how about you two?”. ‘’I slept well’’ Amy said, ‘’I did too’’ responded Rory. The television was on in the kitchen the news anchor said ‘’Now to are developing story about the missing sixteen year old girl missing from London’’. A picture of me appeared on the television screen. ‘’That’s you!’’ shouted Amy. ‘’Oh well I guess it is’’.  “I bet your mother is worried sick about you!’’ Amy shouted. ‘’Too early to be shouting Amy, and I doubt it’’ I suggested. ‘’Why would you think that?’’ asked Rory. ‘’Please, please, please do not tell my father but she is dating someone at the moment that I feel she loves more than me, she is trying to replace my father, she didn’t give a chance for him to come back, when I did all along’’. ‘’You’re her daughter, you’re her child you mean the world to her of course she would love you more, you were there before him’’ Amy said. I sighed, ‘’I guess you’re right, but I want to stay with my dad here, with you and Rory, he is going to be staying here too, we can be a family, every perfect family doesn’t need a mum’’ I said. I heard footsteps go down the stairs, ‘’talking about your father, that must be him now’’. ‘’Good morning everybody!’’ shouted the doctor. I covered my ears it was too early for shouting. ‘’Morning father’’ I said. ‘’Good morning Charlie’’ he came over to me and gave me a morning hug. ‘’How did everyone sleep, fine?’’ he asked. “Just dandy’’ I said. ‘’We both slept fine’’ Rory said. ‘’That is good everybody today we are going to have a productive day what is everyone’s plans?’’ asked my father. ‘’I have work’’ Rory said. ‘’I have work too’’ Amy said. ‘’I sadly have to go back home’’ I said. ‘’Well maybe another day we could have a productive day’’ he said. The television was still on. ‘’Charlie Smith, the sixteen year old girl last seen in The Music School Of London has still not been found’’ the television announcer announced. ‘’Your mother is worried she must think you’re in some big trouble’’ my father said. ‘’I bet she is’’ I lied to him. ‘’Well I must take you home as soon as I can so she can stop worrying, I don’t want your mum to worry’’. I smiled at the fact that he still cared about my mother. “But dad, I want to stay with you, I want to stay with you, Amy, and Rory, I want to travel too far and beyond with you’’ I said. ‘’I’m sorry Charlie, you have a life back in London, you have a good life’’ he said. ‘’I don’t want to leave your side’’. ‘’I’ll come back Charlie, I promise to the bottom of my two hearts’’ he said. All I heard when he said that was ‘’he always keeps his promises’’ still echoing thru my mind. ‘’Fine, but you promised’’ I gave in. ‘’I’ll take you right now, say goodbye to Amy and Rory’’. ‘’Bye you two’’ I said. Amy gave me a hug goodbye and Rory waved goodbye. ‘’Remember even if the doctor isn’t here you can come by anytime, your family now’’ Amy said and smiled.  ‘’I sure will somehow I am sure of that’’ I said. I went to the living room and grabbed my bag as my father took my hand and brought me outside to where his tardis was placed. ‘’Oh great this again, why can’t we just take a car?’’ I asked. “Cars are boring, this is a tardis and a tardis is cool’’ my father said. ‘’Oh great….’’.

               He opened the tardis and I walked inside. He pushed a couple button and I started to hear the familiar whipping sound of the tardis as it floated away. I was mostly used to it so I didn’t have to hold on as much. The whipping sound stopped. I opened the door, we were back in the humble city of London, I looked around we were at my school. “What is my school your landing place?’’ I said. ‘’Yes, very convenient big halls’’. I peeked out the window of the front door there where too policemen guarding it. “Dang it, I don’t want to be seen, by them, dad how can I get out without them seeing me?’’ I asked him. ‘’Isn’t there another door somewhere?’’ he asked. ‘’No, there probably guarding all of them’’.   I sat on the floor, and thought. “I have an idea!’’ shouted my father.  “Father, don’t be so loud, tell me the plan”. “I will distract the guards with my sonic screwdriver and my wonderful talking skills while you run I’ll find you after you get away just stay close’’.  I nodded, “are you sure this will work?” I asked. “I am very sure, when have my plans never not worked?” “I don’t even want to respond to that” I said. I peeked through the window on the door again. “Ready?’” my father asked. I nodded. I put my hood up and he opened the door as I hid behind him. “Excuse me sir” my father said. As I tip towed away. “Yes?” one of the guards asked. “I want to ask you a question?’’ he asked. “Yes, you can” the other guard responded. “Does this amuse you because it amuses me very much”? My father twirled the light of his sonic screwdriver in the two men’s faces putting them into a trance. I ran past the school getting out of sight of the guards. ‘’Okay, I have to go now thank you very much’’ I heard my father say. I stopped running and saw my father running towards me. ‘’Good job dad, I can see your very good with distractions” I laughed. ‘’Yes I am”. “I bet the front door of our home is guarded too, I know a back entrance we can go into though’’ I said. We got to the side of my home in London. “I haven’t been here in a long time” my father said. ‘’Well follow me”. I ran to the back of my home where my yard was and the ladder to the balcony of my room was. I climbed up the ladder my father following me. We got up to the top, I tried opening the door. “They must have locked it, no problem though”. I went to the rail of the balcony and tried to find the key I usually keep under the balcony railing. I heard a click of the key and looked back. “Sonic screwdriver, can unlock locks too” my father said. “Oh gosh, we just broke into my own home” I said. My father looked around my room. “It was a lot different sixteen years ago”. “Maybe because my crib is now a full bed and all the child toys are out?’’ I asked. “Maybe that may be it”.  I threw my bag on my bed and looked out the window to the front of the house. The two guards that were standing at the school where now at my house. I cracked my window open a little to hear what they were saying “A pedestrian said they saw the girl walking with a man this way”. “Dad, they know where in here’’ I whispered. I heard footsteps come up to my room. I ran up to my door and locked it as fast as I could and we leaned against the door as the police banged and tried kicking the door down.  “Dad, I’m scared” I whispered. “Why would you be scared when I’m here?” he asked. “I’m scared they could take you away”.  He gave me a grin. “I’m the doctor they could never take me away”.  One of the men banged on the door so hard I fell to the floor and let out a little whimper. My father let go of the door and came over to me. “Are you okay?” he asked. I smiled at him, “yeah dad I am”.  “Open the door!” shouted a man’s voice from the other side of the door. “Charlie, are you in there please open the door!” shouted a voice. My father looked at the door with a surprising look. “T-that was your mother wasn’t it?” he asked me. “Y-yes it was” I whispered. I grabbed my dad. “Come into here, I’m going to show myself” I said. I pushed him into the closet. “Rory pushed Hitler into one of these before” he said. “Oh gosh dad, I don’t even want to ask”.  I went to my bag and grabbed my phone and headphones slipping them on my head. “Here now be sure to be quiet” I said. He nodded. I jumped on my bed and turned my music up loud to “Another Brick in the Wall Part Two” By “Pink Floyd”. I heard one last bang on my door and heard something coming from the closet. “Dad, what are you doing?” “Unlocking the door with my sonic”. I shook my head and he went back into the closet. I heard the lock click open and the door knob turn. I played with my phone and listened to my music as the police men busted through my door. “Oh hello” I said with a smile. “Charlie!’’ shouted my mother as she came through the door practically making me fall off my bed. ‘’Mom, hi!” I shouted. “Where have you been?” she asked with a sharp voice. “Uh...nowhere”. “You’re lying!’’ shouted my mom. All of a sudden a man walked through the door and said “Let me talk to her, I’ll get it out of her’’.

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