Chapter Fourteen- The Father I Always Dreamed Of.

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I sat on the bed looking at my hand, waiting for my mum to come. “It’s getting pretty boring in here guys’’ I shouted. I know Rory said for me to stay here but I know I couldn’t. I got off the bed and looked around for my bag; I had my jumper in it. I looked under the bed and through the cupboards. ‘’Where the bloody hell would they put a girls bag?’’ I asked. I looked once more around and finally found it; it was in a draw in the bedside table, along with a bible and phonebook. I slid the jumper over me and over my hand. I quietly opened the door and peaked around trying to keep a lookout for Rory or my mother. I went to a nurse I hadn’t seen yet, hoping he wouldn’t know I was a patient also, I hid my patient bracelet. ‘’Um, excuse me would you happen to know what room a boy named Luke Campbell would be in?’’ I asked him. ‘’Yes, he’s up on the fourth floor in intensive care, in room 424’’. ‘’Thank you so much’’. Well that was easy; all I had to do now was get thru the emergency room to the elevator before I could be noticed by anyone. I walked as quiet as I could thru the halls of the hospital trying to find the elevator. ‘’How hard is it too find an elevator’’ I muttered to myself. I suddenly heard a voice that was familiar, ‘’Where’s my daughter, Charlie Smith?’’. It was my mum, great. I quickly ran thru the halls trying to find the dang elevator. Finally I found it, it opened and there was Rory. “Charlie, why are you out of your room?’’ he asked, I started to run, then I saw my mother.  Now I had Rory and my mother chasing after me, I was risking my hurt hand for the stiches to come out. I ran around the halls in circles trying to find an elevator. “Charlie stop!’’ I heard someone yell. Finally I found the elevator and rushed pushing the up button looking behind me as it came down, the door opened and I went in, I pushed the close button as fast as I could, it finally did. I heard Rory and other nurses banging on the door, and then I finally went up to see my Luke. The elevator couldn’t go fast enough, ‘’C’mon c’mon I want to see him already’’, the elevator got to the fourth floor. The doors opened and I went out, Luke I’m coming, I thought. I went thru the halls going looking at the room numbers, 416, 420, then finally his room came, 424. I opened the door slowly and walked through. The curtain was closed and I could hear beeps of a heart machine. I opened the curtain to see him, he didn’t look like the Luke I loved, and he looked lifeless. There was a bandage wrapped around his forehead. I sat on the edge of the bed, ‘’Luke, you can beat this I know it’’. I lay next to him and laid my head on his chest. He was warm still but that was only because of the eskmo blankets the nurses had wrapped him in. ‘’Luke be strong, for me please’’ I whispered. I wanted to stay here with him forever or at least in till he got better. ‘’Your my Luke, your my Luke Campbell’’. I could hear rain drops on his window, it was starting to get darker outside. I grabbed his hand, ‘’I’m never going to leave your side’’, I felt him grab my hand as if he knew it was me. The warmth of his hand made me smile.

Rory POV.

I kept pushing the button to the elevator in till it came down to the floor I was on. Her mother stood next to me, looking worried. ‘’Don’t worry Ms. Smith we will find your daughter’’ I said. I walked into the elevator; there was a nurse that I knew in it going up. ‘’Hey, Andrew have you seen a girl with blond hair and blue eyes?’’ I asked him. Andrew nodded, ‘’Where did you last see her?’’. ‘’Going up the fourth floor’’. I knew why too, Luke was up there. ‘’Thank you very much’’ Charlie’s mother said. We got up to the fourth floor and headed too Luke’s room. The door was open and the curtain was too. All I saw was Charlie sleeping on the bed next to Luke, hand in hand. I looked over to her mum and saw a sigh of relief in her eyes. This was love, the real love that a special couple had. Like me and my one and only Amy. I love her, and I think Charlie loves Luke too. I had to bring Charlie to her room on a different floor then the emergency room. I picked her up, still sleeping. “Her bag is still in her old room in the emergency room it’s on the bed’’ I whispered to her mother. Her mother nodded and went to go get her bag. This hadn’t been the first time I was carrying her while she slept. I carried her into the elevator and brought her to the second floor were her room was. I brought her into her room, as I laid her down I heard her say ‘’Luke get better’’.

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