Chapter One- He Always Keeps His Promises.

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I looked  out the window at the bright shine of the stars and moonlight against the fall leaves leaving a shadow of the tree. “Dad, I know you  are out there somewhere, and I will find you” I said out to the sky. “Charlie, come downstairs and help clean the dishes!” shouted my mom from downstairs. “I’ll be right down!”. I closed my doors of my balcony and ran down the creaking old stairs. “What were you doing up there?” asked my mom. “Oh studying doing some homework, thinking about dad and where he is”. “I told you Charlie, your father left us sixteen years ago when you were born”  my mom said. “Will he ever come back to see his own daughter?” I asked. “He will Charlie, he promised, your dad always keeps his promises” my mom said with a warming smile. She dropped a dish in the sink and gave me a hug with her soapy hands whispering “he always does”.  “Thanks mom, I know you’d always be there for me” I said. “Go up to your room and finish doing homework, I’ll finish the dishes myself”.

I ran upstairs and hopped into bed my eyes already closed by the time my head hit the pillow. My dreams were my own and they were magical it seemed. I heard a voice of a man and he said “Time is on your side”. “What, who are you, what do you mean time is on my side?” I asked the strange voice. There was no response. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock it was only one o’clock in the morning. I laid down and closed my eyes again to fall asleep.

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