Chapter Six- The New Boy.

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I woke up to the alarm of my clock on the chilly fall morning. “Charlie, wake up!" shouted my mom from downstairs. "I already am!" I shouted back down to her. I slowly got up and got ready for school. After I was ready I ran downstairs. "Goodbye mum!" I shouted out the door.

I started to walk to school and thought to myself, that I would never think of my school the same way again. I would always think of it as the place I first met the time traveler, the doctor. I walked into my school and still could see the tardis there and the doctor standing next to it. I walked to my locker to put my books away. I opened my locker door and put my books into my locker and closed it to find Jullianna. "Good morning Charlie". "Morning Jullianna" I said. I started walking to my classroom with Jullianna still by my side "How did your mother react yesterday when you got home?" asked Jullianna. "Well she actually wasn't mad, surprisingly” I said. “Oh really thought she would been, considering the way she sounded on the phone yesterday, she sounded quite mad to me” Jullianna said. “Well we had a guest over””. “Oh who was over?” asked Jullianna. “Her surprise boyfriend” I said. I started walking to my classroom with Jullianna still by my side. “She has a boyfriend and she didn’t tell you!” shouted Jullianna. Everyone looked from what they were doing to me and Jullianna. We looked back at them. “Carry on, nothing to see here” shouted Jullianna back at them. Everyone listened to Jullianna, and went back to what they were doing and I got to my class. “I’ll talk to you later at lunch, about it” I said. ‘’You better, I want to know more’’ Jullianna said. She walked away and I walked into my class. I sat down at my seat and a boy with brown hair and blue eyes walked into the classroom and sat down at the empty seat next to me. Could this be they boy that Jullianna was telling me about Friday?  I looked over at him. “Hi, my name is Charlie”” I said to the boy. He looked over at me and smiled. “Hello, my name is Luke’’ the boy said. ‘’Nice to meet you Luke’’. ‘’Nice to meet you too’’ he said and grinned. The teacher walked in. “Good morning class, today we will be talking about a little thing called time travel’’ the teacher said. I looked at the board and he started writing down notes about time travel. I took my notebook out and started writing down what was up on the board. I turned the page and started to draw the memories of that Friday night. I drew the stars, how bright they were and how I saw the earth, how only my imagine could’ve saw it. ‘”No one knows when the first person time traveled, or he or she was named or called but people do know that they made so many things that we have now or changed how reality is now’’ the teacher said. I raised my hand. “Yes Charlie?” asked the teacher. ‘’Exuse me sir, I just wanted to ask something’’. ‘’Yes Charlie, you may ask something’’ he said. ‘’Can time travelers die or leave us?” I asked. “I can’t give you a sure answer on that Charlie, I’m not very sure what the answer is’’ he said. ‘’Oh okay, thank you though’’ I said. He nodded to me and continued teaching. 

I looked at the clock, and the bell rang to go to the next class. “Have a good day class” the teacher said. “What class do you have next?” asked Luke. ‘’Oh I have singing and guitar playing next’’. ‘’I do too!”’ exclaimed Luke. ‘’You sing and play guitar?’’ I asked. ‘’Yes I do, I play guitar and I can sing kind of’’ he said. ‘’Well I hope you have the guts to sing next class, because I really want to hear you sing’’ I said and grinned at him. ‘’I might’’. ‘We walked into are classroom and sat down next to each other. “Class today we have a new peer in are class’’ the teacher said, ‘’Lad can you stand up and tell the class your name?’’. Luke stood up. “Hello, my name is Luke Martin’’. The class waved to him and he waved back then sat back down. “We will be doing a free sing today’’. ‘’What’s that?’’ asked Luke. ‘’You basically get up to the stage and get to sing anything you want’’ I told Luke. ‘’Oh great’’. ‘’So class who will be singing first?’’ asked the teacher. The room was silent. ‘’If you go up you can use the guitar for music’’ he said. Luke stood up. ‘’You said you wanted to hear me sing’’ he said to me. ‘’Go up then’’ I told him. ‘’I’ll sing then’’. ‘’Okay come up to the stage then’’,

Luke got up to the stage and started to sing’. ‘’When you try your best but you don’t succeed, when you get what you want but not what you need’’. I knew the tune and song right away, it was a song called ‘’Fix You’’.. Luke’s voice was a sweet smooth sound, like a lullaby. ‘’Stuck in reverse’’. This boy, he just made me feel so warm inside. Just talking to him. ‘’And the tears stream down your face when you lose something you can’t replace, when you love someone but it goes to waste, could it be worse?’’. I felt tears roll down my cheek. ‘’Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you/’’.. As soon as he sang that I ran out of the room, in tears.

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