Chapter Sixteen- Exterminate!

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‘’Wait. What do you mean where in trouble?’’ I asked. ‘’It’s really hard to explain why but there are these things called daleks, they really want you two gone forever, they’ve haunted you Charlie since birth’’ my father said. ‘’EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!’’ echoed thru my head. ‘’You two have to be around me 24/7’’. ‘’Doctor, I just ask this why are they after me too?’’ asked Luke. ‘’You have associated with me and Charlie’’. ‘’Well I don’t want him getting hurt’’ I said. ‘’That’s why you’re going to be with me from now on’’. ‘’What about me?’’ chimed in Jullianna. ‘’Well I’m bringing you home, you haven’t associated with me that long your fine, it takes them a couple days to get noticed’’.  ‘’Well that makes me feel better, I guess’’. ‘’I’m going to just keep an extra eye on you Charlie’’ my father said. ‘’Why an extra eye on me?’’ I asked. ‘’The daleks are out to kill the timelord race, I’m the only full timelord the exist anymore, and there want you because your half human, half timelord’’. ‘’Oh great, that’s why I need added to my life’’. ‘’I’m sorry Charlie, please call your mum and tell her not to worry if your gone for quite a bit’’, ‘’Why she might call the detective that is out for me’’. ‘’I’m sorry Charlie just please do it for me’’ he said with a worried face. ‘’Fine, I’ll call her right now’’. I took my phone out of my school bag and called my mum’s number’’. My father got close and tried hearing what she was going to say, ’’Hello?’’. ‘’Hi mum, it’s me Charlie’’. ‘’Why are you calling me during school is everything alright?”’ she asked. ‘’I’m okay, I just wanted to call you to tell you that I’m not going to be home for a little while and not to worry, I’ll be safe’’. ‘’What Charlie what are you saying?” she asked with a worried voice. ‘’I can’t tell you I’m fine though I promise’’. ‘’Charlie!’’ she shouted into the phone. ‘’Mum I love you, I’m going to hang up now okay?’’. ‘’Don’t hang up’’. ‘’Mother I’m going to’’. ‘’If I never see you again I just want to say I love you’’. ‘’I love you too mum’’, I said and hung up the phone. ‘’Well I can just hear her pushing buttons on the phone to call the detective now’’ I said, ‘’Wait Charlie, when you came over that one time saying that you couldn’t tell your mum where you were and who you were with did you mean you were with your father?’’ asked Jullianna. ‘’Well at the time I didn’t know he was my father, he was just a man I really trusted’’. All of a sudden the tardis stopped moving, ‘’Dad why did it stop moving?”’ I asked. ‘’I’m not sure’’. He ran over to the control pad and pushed the many buttons. ‘’It isn’t going again’’. My father went to the tardis door and opened it, ‘’I think where still in London’’ he said, I looked out we were in an alleyway, I could hear the city sounds of London. ‘’I would know these sounds from anywhere I hear them out my room every night’’. It was already dark out, ‘’Charlie and Luke follow me, and Charlie’s friend stay in the tardis’’. She nodded her head. We ran down the alleyway, I could barely see a thing. ‘’EXTERMINATE!’’. I shook my head. ‘’EXTERMINATE!’’ was shouted again. My father stopped running, ‘’Charlie, stay still’’. He looked around the alleys, ‘’EXTERMINATE!’’ I heard again. ‘’Those are the daleks aren’t they?”’ I asked. ‘’Yes they are, the most haunting voice I hear’’. Suddenly a round metal with a gun as a eye started moving towards us yelling ‘’EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE!’’.  ‘’Charlie and Luke run!”’ shouted my father. It came chasing after us. I couldn’t see where they were going, I held Luke’s hand and went down a alleyway and stopped at a wall. Where had my father gone? ‘’Charlie, where’s your dad?’’ asked Luke. ‘’I don’t know’’. I looked around, then I heard it loud and clear ‘’EXTERMINATE’’. I looked into his eye as he said his last ‘’EXTERMINATE’’.

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