Chapter Three- When Life Changes

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I looked at the teared piece of paper with a lable and ten numbers on it. "Charlie, you home?" my mother yelled from downstairs. "Yes mom!" I yelled. I looked at my phone then at the the paper. I knew if I called the number I might regret it, but I also may gain something from calling it. I walked to my phone and looked at the number and started to dial it. I put the phone to my ear waiting for someone to answer. "Hello, I am the doctor and you've called that tardis" the voice said. Ï got nervous and hung up the phone. I looked at my phone and saw the number calling again. "Hello" I said nervously into the phone. "Hello, you called?" the voice asked. "I just really want to know one thing, who are you?" I asked. "I am the doctor, I wear bowties and fezes and I travel in a police box time machine and spaceship". "Does that mean you can travel to this time zone?" I "asked. "Yes, I can do that".  "Great, meet me at The Music School Of London tonight at nine o'clock, then you will know who you are talking to" I said. "Okay who ever you are, I will meet you tonight" he said. I hung up the phone and smiled.

I went downstairs and went up to my mother. "Mom, can I please go out tonight?'' I asked. She looked at me. ''No I want you to stay home tonight'' she said. I really wanted to meet the voice of the man on the phone so I said the first thing that came to my mind. " Why, me and Jullianna are  suppose to go out tonight''. ''Well if you are sleeping over and its fine with her mother'' she said. "I know her mother will be, she loves me mum, you know that'' I said and grinned at her. "You can go then'' she said.

Time passed and it started to get dark. I grabbed my bag, slipped my cell phone and the picture in it and went downstairs. "Mom, I'm going to Jullianna's now'' I said leaving out the door. She kissed me on the head and gave me a hug. ''Have fun tonight sweetie''. ''I will, I'm sure of that'' I grinned at her. I went out the door.

I started to walk down to my school waiting for the man who called himself the doctor to meet each other. I got to my school and sat on the steps. I checked the time it was only nine thirty PM, and I was waiting. The wind started to blow and the wonderful colored leaves blew around. I heard a door behind me open and looked behind me, there was a man looking at me with starry blueish, browish eyes. ''Hello are you?'' before I could finish he said ''The doctor, yes I am and you are?'' he asked. I flustered not wanting to tell him my real name. ''My name is Ellie'' I said. ''Well nice to meet you Ellie''  The Doctor said. ''Nice to meet you doctor''. ''I want to take you anywhere you want to go, I have a time traveling spaceship that can go anywhere also a sonic screwdriver, which can do anything except anything with wood''. "I'm not very sure, how about you choose'' I said and smiled. ''Well then come along'' The Doctor said. He took my hand and led me inside my school to a blue police box to appear in front of me. "Whats this?"' I asked. ''Its my tardis'' he said. ''What does that mean?" I asked curiously. ''Too much to explain''. He covered my eyes and told me to step foward.  The doctor uncovered my eys and I gasped at what was in front of my eyes.

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