Chapter Four- Every Star Is Where We Start

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The police box was hug on the inside, and there was controls and screens everywhere. ''Where will you be taking me?'' I asked. ''Anytime, anywhere every star is where we start'' he said. ''I don't know where to go though'' I exclaimed. ''How about I take you somewhere I took a girl sixteen years ago''.  He ran over to all the controls and said ''close your eyes, and hold on tight''. I shut my eyes tight and everything started to move like a fast moving amusment ride, then everything stopped silent and still. I opened my eyes and the doctor was already at the door. I rushed over to him and tripped falling into his arms. ''Someone is exicted, to be traveling with me'' he said. My face turned red and I blushed, he just gave me a grin.

He opened the doors and I couldn't believe what I saw, the stars they were right in front of my eyes. I gasped and couldn't believe what I saw. The doctor smiled at the look on my face. "I knew you would be amazed, step out you will be okay" The Doctor said. I stepped out and he grabbed my ankle as I floated. Something I never thought I would do, something if I never called that phone number would not happen, I started to think about father, if he knew what I was doing right now, how much he would be proud. Then I thought to myself how much Jullianna would be freaking out right now if she knew what I was doing, up above the earth. My hair floated in the air, since no gravity was in space. "Doctor, this is just so...amazing" I said overwhelmed. "You think this amazing, there is so much more then just the stars, there are planets and worlds all around this universe, that you may not even know about" he said. "Just the stars, there so bright, I never thought this would actually happen to me in my lifetime, I just want to tell  you I am so glad that I called you" I said and smiled down at him back in the tardis. He smiled and grinned again.

He pulled me back in and I sat on the floor with the doors opened looking at the stars together. "just image in your mind that your friends, and family are looking up at you in the stars and your up here taller then ever, looking down at them". I looked down at the earth in front of me. "I never thought of it that way". "I usually have a lot of time on my hands, sitting by myself, alone in this big ol police box". ''Why do you think that?'' I asked. "No one would ever want to spend their normal life and waste their time traveling around with a mad man like me" The Doctor said and sighed. "I would, I mean I know my mother would never agree with me traveling with you since I am only sixteen and I still go to school" I said. He looked at me and smiled for some odd reason. ''I would wait for you Ellie, I really would'' he said and grinned at me. ''You know I could stay here forever, if I could'' I said. ''Why would you want to stay up here, in the stars?'' he asked. ''I'm not sure, just get away from all the stress of my teenage life, where time went by so fast, and I would only have to see the bright shine of the stars everyday'' I said. ''Well I bet you anything it will get better, now that I am in your life, and I have no plan on leaving it, even though we did just meet last night'' he said. I smiled at him. ''Seems like i've known you forever'' I said. He grinned at me. ''You know, since we are friends now, maybe even best friends but I had this really weird dream the night before I met you'' I said. ''Oh what was it about?'' he asked. "There was this man's voice, he said time is on your side', I tryed to ask him what he mean''t but he didn't anwer then I woke up'' I said. He grinned at me. "Well now that your with me time is on your side, time is always on my side, since I guess you can call me the timelord''. ''Timelord, I think the name the doctor better, it sounds different'' I said and gave him a smile once more.

He put his arm on my shoulder and I smiled at him. He looked at his watch. ''Time to bring you back home to your mother and father I'm guessing'' he said. "Yeah, I was dreading on going back some point'' I said and sighed. He ran back to the controls and I held onto the bars once the tardis went off again.

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