Chapter Five- Maybe, You'll Be The One To Save Me.

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I landed back into my school, sunlight was peeking through the windows  I stepped out of the tardis. "Will I ever see you again?" I asked him. "Yes, I don't want to let anyone else down, Ellie I promise you I will visit you again" he said, grabbing my hands. I smiled at him. "I have to back home now" I said. "If you ever need someone to talk to, i'm always here". "I will doctor". He started to go back into the tardis. "Wait, one second" I said. I took my phone out and turned the camera on. "Smile!". We got close and smiled, taking the picture. I gave the man who I just met last night a hug goodbye, and went on my way. I looked back. "Goodbye, Ellie" he said while I walked away out the door.

I ran to a shop just outside my school and went up to a man. "Sir, may you please tell me the date and what time it is?" I asked. "It's Sunday, October 28, 2012, and it's 12:00 PM". "Thank you sir" I said rushing out the door, to go to Jullianna's. I went to her house and knocked at the door. Her mother came to the door. "Charlie, didn't know you were showing up" said her mother. "Sorry Mrs. Skye but I may see Jullianna?". "Yes she is right up in her room". "Thank you" I said and rushed into her room. I barged into Jullianna's room to find her with her guitar. "Jullianna, I need to talk to you!". "What's the matter Charlie?" she asked. "Its my mom, I told her Friday night that I was sleeping over your house because I was doing something she wouldn't approve of, and it took longer then I expected" I said in a rush. "Calm down Charlie". "Jullianna, how can I" I asked. "How about you say to her that you forgot to call her saying you were staying a extra night" she said. " And this is why your my best friend". She looked over to me and gave me a smile. "Thank you darling" Jullianna said. I got my phone out and called my  mother. "Hello" she said to the phone. "Hello mum, its me Charlie". "Charlie, where have you been?" she asked. "I've been at Jullianna's" I said. "Are you okay, why didn't you call me?" she asked sounding worried sick. "I'm sorry mum". "Come home now!" she shouted into the phone. "Yes mum, goodbye". "Upset i'm guessing?" asked Jullianna. "What do you think?" I asked. "You have to go right?". " Yes Jullianna, I will call you later" I said leaving her mom. I ran back to my house and opened the door to find my mother sitting down with a man at the table.

"Hello, i'm home" I said. "Charlie!" shouted my mother running to the door to give me a hug. The man followed her. "This is your daugher?" the man asked. "Yes it is my daughter, Charlie this is Christopher, he is a man that i've been talking to for a little while". "Um, hello i'm Charlie, nice to meet you" I said. He put his hand out for me to shake. "So, um I'm going up to my room now, i'm tired". "Alright, go have a nice nap" my mother shouted upstairs. I slammed my door, and tears started rolling down my cheek. I opened my door to my balcony and shouted "Dad, I know your out there somewhere, and i'm ready to meet you!". "I'm sixteen now, sixteen years have passed since you last saw me!" I shouted even louder. "I'm ready to see you!" I shouted once again and fell to the floor. I took my phone out and looked at the picture of me and my new best friend. I ran to my bed, crying into my pillow.

Don't Panic!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora