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I take my time in packing my belongings when class is over. The majority of the girls have already gathered around each other, but I choose to stay behind. Yes, I'm looking forward to spending time with them all this afternoon, however I am also nervous. This is my first time hanging out with a group of girls I actually like. I don't wish to make a bad impression.

Shoto notices my tense mood at once and moves to stand by my side. After I stand up and lift my bag on my shoulders, I turn to face him.

"What are you so nervous for?" He asks. I told him about the gathering today at lunch so that me not walking home with him today came as no surprise.

I shrug and glance towards the group of girls again who are now laughing at something Uraraka said. "I've never hung out with a group of girls casually before. I don't want to mess things up," I admit, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Ah." I look back up at Shoto to find a small smile playing on his lips. "To see you fretting over something like this is unexpected."

At my head tilt, he elaborates. "What I mean is, you're normally so confident in your actions and word choice, I didn't expect this of you. Your confidence has never failed you before and to be honest, it's something I admire about you. You won't make a fool of yourself, I'm sure of it. I'm also sure that the majority of the girls already look up to you, so even if you did misstep, they wouldn't judge."

I smile at his words. I had no idea that Shoto admired my boldness or that other students might admire this of me too. My mother has always seen it as a flaw. "Thanks Shoto."

"Anytime Tori," he nods. With that nod he glances over my shoulder and his small smile disappears. "You should probably go. They appear to be waiting for you."

Right. "Okay. See you tomorrow," I say, tucking my childish fears away and turning towards where the girls are standing.

Momo and Jiro were already looking my way, so as I get closer to them, Momo loops her arm through mine and pulls me close to her. "Alright! Looks like we're all here," she says cheerfully.

"Sorry I was holding us all up," I mumble as an apology, but Momo waves it off.

"No worries," she smiles. "Now that we're all together, let's change into our hero outfits and head to Gym A."

We all nod and follow her to do as she said. After we change, we go to the gym as planned. As we enter, we are met by the sight of a sort obstacle course. There are huge mounds of cement everywhere and on a few of them are practice dummies. Most of the other girls don't appear surprised by the sight, so I assume that this is how this building is usually set up.

Soon we are met by a few other students and Mr. Aizawa. The first classmate I spot makes me frown deeply. Of course he has to be here. The majority of the others share my disgust.

"Just ignore him ladies," Momo says quietly, leading us away from Mineta who thankfully hasn't noticed us yet.

As we move away from him, I add just as silently, "If he says or does anything that makes you uncomfortable, call me over and I'll handle him."

The girls smile and giggle at that. Momo squeezes my shoulder in support. "Thanks Nagawasa," Hagakure says and I nod.

"They're like the moms of the group," Imari comments about Momo and I.

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