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Let me clarify something regarding the Sports Festival. You know how in the anime, all the grades compete on the same day and then have two days to rest? Well in this story, the different grades perform on different days. (First years on Monday, second years on Tuesday, third years on Wednesday)

This is just so that things make more sense in the supervision department. Cause I don't understand how in the anime the majority of teachers were watching the first years and somehow there were still enough teachers to supervise and provide commentary for the other years. Unless they had Ectoplasm duplicating himself, which sounds pretty boring tbh.


If I could describe the energy of the house for the rest of the weekend in one word, it would be paranoid. The minute I showed Mother the creepy letter, she refused to let me out of her sight.

She was in the kitchen again when I ran down the stairs. She probably heard my rushed footsteps because she was facing my direction before I entered the room.

There was cake on the counter with sixteen candles on top, but I barely payed it any attention. "Who the hell is Asuka?" I almost yelled at her, but I managed to hold myself back despite my urgency.

"Watch your language. You won't speak to your mother like that," she snapped quickly and sharply. The note in my hand crumbled as my fist tightened in a rush of anger. My mother on the other hand took a deep breath before saying tiredly, "Darling, I already told you that man is nothing but a pathetic crook. Why do you bring him up today of all days?"

In response, I shoved the piece of paper into her face. I watched impatiently as her expression went from snarky and uptight to alarmed in a mere instant.

Cake on the counter forgotten, she rushed to her room for her computer, dropping the letter and leaving me with no choice but to follow her. By the time I got there, she'd already pulled up the security footage of the house.

The outside of the house is surrounded with hidden cameras. There's at least one on every corner of the building as well as a few trees around the perimeter, so not one angle is missed. Each camera is also imbued with a facial recognition program. Not to remember our faces, but to be aware of any potential villains that managed to find where we live.

But the system failed, because what we found was not to our liking. It took us a while to find the exact date he started showing up, but when we did, it became apparent why we weren't alerted sooner of his visits.

It's because every time he appeared within the frame of a camera, the screen would flicker and then cut off, only turning back on after he was gone.

I shivered uncomfortably. So the tremor in my wings the night of the USJ incident wasn't just me being paranoid. They were warning me that danger was near. Though that begs the question why they were just now warning me, especially since he'd been coming here for over a year.

"How?" I looked towards Mother as she barely breathed the word out. Her eyes were widened in horror and she clenched her fists so tightly that they turned cherry red. I have never, ever seen her this petrified in my 16 years. Seeing her like that made me even more uneasy.

"His Quirk doesn't lend him this type of ability. I- I don't understand how this could've happened," she continued absently and I swear I heard her voice break.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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