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"Hey." I tap Shoto's shoulder to get his attention the next day at school as lunch period starts. The class has already filed out, so I can speak freely without lowering my voice into a whisper. He turns my way almost instantly and nods for me to continue. "So I might've done something stupid.."

"Stupid?" He frowns slightly and raises an eyebrow. "Stupid how?"

"Well, you know how I told you that I was injured badly last night?"

He nods and his frown deepens at the reminder. "Yeah, and when I asked you about it today, you said you convinced Recovery Girl to heal you," he finishes for me.

"Yes. Well. I need to tell you how I convinced her to heal me."


Instead of walking to my locker right when I got to school this morning, I go straight to the nurses office. Since she walked with me, Momo insisted that she come along but after a hushed mini argument she allowed me to go alone.

I still haven't told her about what happened when I got home and don't plan on telling her anytime soon. Or ever if I can help it. The only thing I told her is that I needed to visit the teacher's lounge to talk to Mr. Aizawa about something, so as to not worry her.

When I arrive at Recovery Girl's domain, I find that I'm not the only visitor she has. There are two others inside the room sitting side by side. It's Mr. Aizawa and Ms. Mashimo and they seem to be getting treatment for their injuries from the USJ incident.

I sigh silently through my teeth once I see them, partly in annoyance and partly in pain. My ribs feel even worse then yesterday with the soreness settling on top of the discomfort. Hiding how much it hurt from Momo was rough in itself and it took even more energy and effort to walk the extra mile to the nurses office without wincing, stumbling, or outright passing out in front of the other students roaming the halls.

Now, I've finally made it to the only person who might heal me and she's freaking busy. Even worse, from the sounds of her smooching, I think she just started her healing. Perfect.

"Oh. Good morning Miss Nagawasa. How are you today?" Recovery Girl greets as I step in the room.

"I'm feeling good, thank you. And you?" I respond with a small smile.

"I feel wonderful today, child. Now, did you need something?" She smiles warmly at me with a small inquiring squint in her eyes.

Nothing anymore, I think with a mental roll of my eyes. "It's nothing important," I say nonchalantly. "I can come back later. Sorry for interrupting the healing process." I bow slightly and what a mistake that was. The tiny movement sends painful tremors throughout my chest. I hide a wince as I back away.

"If you need something Nagawasa, don't let us being here stop you," Ms. Mashimo says kindly. Without even meaning to, I pick up the exhausted tone of her voice which alone makes me pause. I turn my head around to get a better look at her and notice her eye bags have worsened. On top of that, she still wears that choker from yesterday. As I continue to stare, I realize that the blinking light on the choker wasn't my imagination. In fact, the more I stare, the faster it blinks. Interesting, but suspicious.

Multiple questions bloom into my mind all at once. How long has she been wearing that for? What does it do? Why is it blinking? And the most important one: is that choker what's making Ms. Mashimo so tired?

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