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Ding dong.

The doorbell rings at exactly twelve o'clock and is followed soon after by a knock. A gleeful smile coats my face as soon as it happens. I pop off of the couch immediately after and grab my bag. Slinging it over my shoulder, I compose myself and walk calmly to the door, opening it and shutting it behind me.

When I came home from Momo's about half an hour ago, Mother was nowhere to be found, so I don't bother to announce my departure. I don't know where she disappeared to, but her car is still in the driveway so I'm assuming wherever she went is within walking distance.

After I lock the door, I turn around to face Shoto. "Hey."

"Happy birthday Tori," he greets with a slight smile while giving me a once over. A long once over. His eyes slowly travel over every inch of me. Unlike any other time, I don't mind it, for it gives me a chance to look over his attire too.

He's not wearing anything special. Just a black tank top hoodie and ripped black jeans with a red jacket. I search his hands and pockets for any sort of gift, but I find nothing. Not even a hint of a bulge, which peaks my curiosity. However I keep quiet. Like everything else, he probably wants to keep it a surprise.

When I look back up at him, his heterochromia eyes are already looking down at my blue ones. "You look stunning," he says quietly, but bluntly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

And yeah I hope it is. Momo did do my makeup after all.

I grin at his compliment, trying to hide the blush that appeared suddenly. "Thank you. I felt like I had to try since it's my 16th," I chuckle.

"Is that why you're wearing makeup?" He asks as he turns to walk towards our destination, prompting me to follow.

I nod briefly. "I guess you can say that." I brush my ring gently, remembering the careful strokes of Momo's makeup brushes against my skin. I almost didn't recognize my face in her mirror after she was done. I looked great. Now, I mentally thank her for making me not only look, but feel pretty.

"So where are you taking me?" I ask, clasping my hands behind my back.

"One of many places," Shoto answers vaguely, taking delight in my unsatisfied expression.

"Just tell me, Shoto," I plead with a tiny pout on my lips. "You know I'm not a very patient person."

He smirks and gives me a side eye as if to say, don't I know it. "I wanted it to be a surprise until we got to each destination," he admits. "But I guess I have no choice since someone can't appreciate the element of surprises."

I punch him in the arm, gaining a short laugh from him. "You hate surprises just as much as I do so I don't want to hear it." A smile slides onto my face despite my pitiful attempt at being hard on him.

"That is true."

"So come out with it before I punch you again."

"As you wish. It is your birthday after all." Another small smirk. "Have you eaten yet?" At my glare, he holds his index finger in my direction. "Your answer determines where we go."

I nod my head as an answer. "Yeah, I ate a big breakfast before you came. I should've asked you if you wanted any. We had a lot of leftovers," I add as an afterthought.

Bird Set Free | Shoto Todoroki x OC Where stories live. Discover now