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It happens before I can fully comprehend it. In less then a second, Nomu has reached me and punches me to the ground. I skid violently on the ground, scraping up my wrists even worse, and end up a few miles away from the group. I faintly hear Shoto yelling for me, but Nomu shows up again right above me. Still struggling to sit up, I let out a screech, but the creature dodges it and punches me in the throat.

I struggle to breath as both salvia and blood get caught in my throat then begin cough up blood, but he's not done with me yet. I'm grabbed by the leg and slammed once, twice, three times against the ground. I yelp in pain as he slams me around and almost lose consciousness each time my head smashes upon concrete.

Why isn't anyone helping?

As Nomu yanks me up by my ponytail, my question is answered. Kurogiri has created portals to make sure no one can get to us. I try to wrench his hands off, but give up quickly. My wrists are screaming in pain. My whole body is screaming in pain. I'm just too weak.

The creature walks us through a portal to his master and he nods his head in approval.

"Stop and return her this instance!" I hear All Might roar, but of course, he's ignored.

I cough up blood again and as much as I try to prevent it, my eyes slide shut. However, I don't pass out. I outright refuse to.

To keep myself from slipping, I focus on the amount of pain I'm in. The rich, metallic taste of iron. The burn and sore clenching of my throat. The sharp sting in my wrists. The blood trailing down my face from a gash in my forehead. These aches help keep me awake and focused.

I won't be able to use my Quirk to help myself. That punch to the throat limited it. If I try again, I'll overuse it and lose my voice. Damnit! What do they want me for?!

"Kurogiri," the leader says, bringing my attention to him. "Teleport her to the base." My eyes slowly slide open right as blood drips on my lips.

No! I have to think of something now!

Wait, my staff. If I can find the switch and change it to an axe, I might be able to get myself out of this. Stay calm Tori.

My hands are already close enough to my belt, so I slowly reach for the switch to do what I've planned. I make sure to keep my eyes halfway open like they were before so I'm not easily detected.

"We'll need to knock her out first so she won't try to escape the moment she gets there," Kurogiri points out just as I flip the switch.

"Not if Asuka is there to claim her."

That name shouldn't sound familiar to me, but it does. I can't let it faze me though.

...Asuka... A name only spoken once by my mother. In a whisper. A frantic one.

I close my eyes tightly and spit out a mouthful of blood before opening them again. I must focus.

Once I've got the staff fully in my grip, I'll have to swing it right where Nomu's hand ends and cut my own hair to get out of his grip. After that, I'll have to be quick in getting away. Nomu's fast reflexes won't be easy to escape from. Not to mention Kurogiri's portals and the other one.

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