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I turn to the front to the classroom, dazed, as Mr. Aizawa gets up and out of his sleeping bag. Today's day of classes went normally, though I'm already feeling overwhelmed with math. I'm a quick study, yes, but math has never been my best subject and although Ectoplasm is an exceptional teacher, I'm still not able to fully wrap my head around all the equations and expressions.

"Today's training will be a little different," Mr. Aizawa announces. "You'll have four instructors. Me, Mashimo, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

"Sir! What kind of training is this?" Sero asks.

Aizawa holds a card to the front of the classroom as he answers the question. "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that."

Somewhere near the front of the class, a loud "whoop" can be heard. Then suddenly, the atmosphere becomes chaotic. The more people chime in about their excitement, the louder it gets. Usually the jumbled noise would exhaust me, but I actually got a good nights sleep last night. Now I'm just annoyed.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet," Mr. Aizawa groans impatiently. The class quiets again. "What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes, but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready."

Right after our two teachers leave the classroom, I grab my case and go to the girl's changing room with the rest of the girls. I quickly change into my costume and let my wings out just as fast. I stand up straight and flap my wings a bit, stretching them out and curling them up to get them warm for the training exercise.

As I turn slightly to look at my outfit from the sides, I notice Uraraka staring from the corner of the mirror. Her shirt is half on and she's frozen in place, as if she stopped everything just to gaze at me.

I shift my head to where I'm staring her in the eyes. "Um, yes?" I ask as I think she might not have realized herself that she was staring.

She blinks a couple of times before coming to her senses. "Oh, sorry!" She apologizes as a slight blush overtakes her cheeks. I try to offer her a small smile, but I feel it come out awkward instead. She obviously sees the awkwardness, but moving swiftly to pull her shirt over her head she compliments, "Your wings are really something else Nagawasa, and such a beautiful, golden color!"

The smile a shoot at her this time is less awkward. "Thank you," I utter softly before turning back to the mirror.

Instead of leaving like I would have preferred, Uraraka moves closer, standing a bit behind me. "You know, I've been wondering this ever since the first day, but is it natural to keep your wings tucked in?"

Wow. She's inquisitive.

"No it's not," I answer, moving away from the mirror and to the lockers to lean on them as I tuck my wings into my back.

"Then why do you do it?" When I don't answer right away, she quick to add, "If it's too personal, you don't have to answer."

I grin a tiny bit. At least she has manners, unlike Imari.

I wince minimally as the last feather enters my spine before speaking. "My mother thought it would be easier maneuvering around if my wings weren't showing. You see, they were growing faster than I was so I was often fumbling around trying to balance myself and knocking, often fragile, things down," I reveal honestly with a small chuckle.

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