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My wings become conscious of the situation before I do, as they stretch out and carry us safely to the ground almost immediately after the purple mist clears. We land on top of the mountain; a perfect spot to survey our surroundings and look out for enemies. I let go of Shoto's tightly clenched hand and observe our surroundings. "Where are we?" I ask.

"It looks like we're in the Landslide Zone," Shoto answers after a quick look around. He looks back at me, or more specifically my wings. "Stretched out enough?"

I nod and flex them slightly. "Stretched and more than ready for some action."

He nods at me and I catch a small smirk at my enthusiasm. "Good."

We turn in sync as we hear footsteps coming towards us. From below us, a group of villains stalks towards us; devilish grins and smirks plastered on their faces.

"Would you look at what we got here?" A villain with two heads says. I narrow my eyes and grab my staff from my belt. "Two pro heroes' kids, right in our laps to kill." His smirk widens.

Feeling a switch on the side, I flip it to the left and watch out of the corner of my eye as it transforms into a mace. So left is mace and right is axe. I feel another button on the other side, so I press it. Electricity jumps out of it. Shoto glances at me and I can tell he's a bit shocked, but he says nothing and turns his attention back to the villains in front of us.

"It must be our lucky day," a female voice says behind us. I spin around to see more villains. Perfect.

"How many?" I ask Shoto as I start counting. "About twenty. Maybe more. How many on your end?"

"Twenty or more. Just like you."

The villains circle around us, closing us in. I switch my mace to my right hand and grip it tightly.

"Cover your ears," I say lowly so only Shoto will pick it up. I give him two seconds to follow my instructions before taking a deep breath and using my Quirk. I let my screech out on the opponents on my side before soaring into action. Soon after that, I hear Shoto using his ice.

A villain with multiple arms tries grabbing me, but I jump over him, using my wings for height, then turn around in midair and strike him sideways with my mace. That sends him flying into one of Shoto's ice constructions. I smirk victoriously and turn to the others.

"Who's next?"

Two of them jump towards me at the same time. I soar backwards and screech at them, sending them backwards into some of their partners. Sensing an oncoming presence, I swivel away just before a long edged knife finds itself in my side. Grabbing the villain's arm, I elbow him in the face and knee him square in the balls. That causes him to fall to his knees and I seal the deal by kicking him in the head.

Feeling the adrenaline rise from my other fights, I turn to the rest of the villains to see what their next move will be, a small smile forming on my face.

However, before they can make a move, I hear a shout. "Get off the ground!" Hearing the urgency in Shoto's voice, I do just that, flipping backwards and fly above his head. In just an instant, he has the rest of my opponents frozen.

I pant slightly as I land beside him. "I had them!" I shout, more than a bit outraged that I couldn't finish them off myself.

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