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My wings are beautiful things. They bring comfort to me on dark days. They're soft, large, and thick enough that I can wrap myself in them and keep myself warm. Their color is a warm, yellow color that is almost gold. I could stare at them for hours admiring their beauty and never get bored.

That's why I dread the first day of summer break; the day where my wings would be burned off. Why? So my mother could test the amount of time it would take for them to grow back and so that if my wings were burned by a villain they would grow quicker than they originally would. That's what my mother always told me and although it is a logical reason, I know it's not her truth.

The real reason my wings would be burned off is so the youngest Todoroki boy could learn how to control his fire side.

This is how we properly met. We'd, of course, known of each other because our parents are friends. We even went to school together, but we never talked to each other. Shoto later admitted to me that it was because he thought I was privileged and spoiled while I confessed that I was shy.

I was only nine when this first happened. Right after our parents had first informed us of what was to happen, I attempted to run to no avail. I ended up in a headlock not even a second later. Minutes after that, after Shoto refused to willingly hurt me, his father dragged him to me and forced his left hand to lay on my left wing while my mother continued to hold me down.

Tears were already pouring down my face. I was so scared. Even though I didn't want to, I looked back at the two males and locked eyes with Shoto. Nothing would stop our parents from getting what they wanted. We both knew that. I just wanted to let him know that my pain wasn't his fault.

I didn't feel the pain at first; it was just a small tickle. Then the pain came at full force, starting from the tips of my wings and spreading straight through them to my upper back and spine. I felt everything. I felt every feather disintegrate from the heat. I felt the bones in my wings crack and burn. The torment was unbearable.

My screams were so high pitched and uncontrolled that my screech leaked through them. Even after Mother covered my mouth they were still audible. She later told me that she thought she was going to go deaf.

Eventually I passed out from the agony. I don't remember much after that about that day, though a few things come in flashes like me laying in a pool of my own sweat, saliva, and tears and Mother and Endeavor leaving the room to talk. The memory that sticks to me the most however, is Shoto standing over my trembling body looking at me in horror. I think he was crying too, but that's when I passed out for good.

It took almost a full year for my wings to grow back to their full size. Unfortunately, I had no time to get used to having them back for they were burnt off again on the first day of summer break.

This became a twisted sort of tradition. At least I can say that I don't pass out anymore. I don't scream as loudly either. Whether or not that's because I've gotten used to the pain or don't want Shoto to feel more guilty than he already does, I can't say. Last time, it only took seven months for my wings to regrow, which is great progress for that only being the sixth time. At least, that's what Mother said.


About a month after I turned fifteen, right before Shoto was to burn off my wings, both of our parents got a call from the Hero Commission. I didn't hear what was said because they stepped out of the room for the call, but apparently it was important enough that they both dropped everything and went off without an argument.

Bird Set Free | Shoto Todoroki x OC Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon