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After exiting the USJ, the police speed me back to the main campus along with Midoriya. I never catch sight of what happens with All Might, but I can only guess that he too is being taken to Recovery Girl. None of the heroes follow as they're still needed to restrain the remaining villains. They make sure to wrap my bleeding head in gauze before we leave.

Good thing, too. I was starting to get light headed.

We sit in silence for the majority of the short car ride. Me side eyeing Midoriya's injuries while he clenches his eyes tightly in pain. It's no wonder too; along with the expected cuts and scratches, two fingers on his right hand and both of his legs are broken.

I tisk silently to myself and turn away to rest my head on the window. He so reckless. If he ever wants to become a successful pro hero, it's crucial that he learn how to control his power.

"I never thanked you for saving me back there," he finally grits out. "I'm sorry."

I give a half hearted shrug of my shoulders. I shouldn't be talking, but I feel the need to say something anyways. "Usually you're one to look before you leap, Midoriya, so what you did frightened me." I state hoarsely and eye him again to find him already staring drowsily, and guilty, at me. He looks moments away from passing out.

A feeling of pity washes over me. "Just make sure not to do something similar to that again and we're even," I force out in a barely audible whisper before my throat closes up for good.

I'm taken to a different room than Midoriya and All Might. I suspect I'm the first person Recovery Girl checks in on, because she hurries on healing my wrists and head. A small scar is left from where I gashed my head on a sharp rock after being thrown, but my bangs are low enough that it's covered.

As for my wrists, they healed slower than my hand because of the missing skin. Even when they finished mending themselves, the new skin remained sensitive and tender to even the slightest whisk of air.

I'm not left much time to think about all that's happened over the past hour or so as the feeling of tiredness quickly hits me as soon as she's done. Since my voice still hasn't recovered, I can't ask why this is. However, the kind woman explains that in order to work, her Quirk takes up energy from the patient.

After making sure that I'm alright to go, she leaves the room and allows me to rest briefly. I gladly take her advice and after I wake up from my half hour nap, I notice at once that the sky is painted in light orange and purple colors, which causes me to pause and admire the sunset.

Sunsets are always so pretty. The warm, orange color of love and happiness and the peaceful, light violet hue immediately send me into a sense of calm; just like they usually do. I lose myself in the sky's tranquility, completely forgetting about the day's events. Instead, I let my mind travel to what could have been if I had a functional family. If I had free will. If I had a caring mother. A dad.

I push away from the window of which I hadn't realized I'd pressed myself against with a sad sigh. That's the problem with beautiful sunsets like this one. They cause you to have hope; to dream. And dreams are a waste of time; a pointless state of mind that just leave you heartbroken when you realize it's not real.

Eventually, I turn away from the alluring view and to the clock to see what time it is. About an hour has passed since I got here, meaning that school is over.

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