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Andro is hired as an administrative assistant reporting directly to the vice president of the human resources and administration. Since the role is urgent and because of his college degree qualification and experience as a lecturer the vice president decided that he will be suitable for the role. He will start in two weeks time.

Ferns' was not called back for a final interview since the requirement for the role is someone who has one or more years of work experience and should be a certified public accountant. He moves on and pursues his other applications with other companies. While he appears to some job interviews left and right, he also starts to do some readings of his past lectures from his accounting course while waiting for the formal board review to begin. Luckily, a month before Ferns starts his review, he was hired as an accounting clerk and starts his employment as soon as he completed the requirements of the employer.

Andro and Ferns become busy with their own jobs. Andro on a daily basis has interaction with the employees of the company from different department because of the nature of his job. Most of the time he is not in his workstation because he needs to go around to attend some administrative stuffs of the company. Although, he finds it a little different from his previous job he enjoys it a lot especially he could meet a lot of people in the company and made friends as well.

On the other hand, since this is Ferns first job, he finds it very challenging at first although he is a fast learner and is able to get along with his team. The accounting department that is he is a part of is just a small team so all of them became close friends. However, sometimes his team is having a hard time to invite him out after work since Ferns after work spend a couple of hours in the evening to do some advance reading to prepare himself before his weekend review class. He decided to enroll in a weekend review class to allow him to focus with his job during the week while not to feel pressured with his review class as well. His current situation deprives him of his social life although his family and friends are very understanding of his current situation.

One day, Andro's superior asks him to organize some of the files in the human resources office. He needs to arrange the files of the past and ongoing applicants of the company and stores them in a proper and orderly manner. While he is working on it, he suddenly thought about Ferns. He smoothly and slowly arranges the files and carefully inspects each file because he doesn't want to miss the application paper of Ferns. He finally saw Ferns file and quickly pulls out his application and read his resume. He is quickly grab a pen and writes down Ferns contact number.

During lunch break, Andro is having lunch with his regular hang out friends in the company. They are from the same age group but from different department. The all come together as a group because of their similarities. They are all new to the company.

Jing is from the marketing department – pretty and fair skin. Jovy is from the purchasing department – pretty and very bubbly. Mhy is from the accounting department – sexy although clumsy. Ogie is from the budget department – little chubby but he is the joker of the group. Renan is from the human resources department – serious and very cautious with his words given the nature of his job. Paul is from the engineering department – friendly and hardworking and Richie is from the clinic department – who is the eldest in the group.

Andro thought that if Ferns is successful with his application to the company he is definitely part of the group.

Lunch break is the only time they get together and see each other at the same time. Although they hang out every Friday after work and go for a dinner and a little drink. When they are together its chaos. There is a lot of joke and funny stories. But today's lunch break is a little bit different from Andro. The group notices him because of his unusual silence and he appears to be thinking of something else.

Truly, Andro is thinking of something else or someone else. Now that he has Ferns contact number, he is thinking of how to get in touch with him. Should he call Ferns and introduce himself or will he just give him a text first and stay mysterious for the meantime. Whatever his decision would be he would definitely pursue to know Ferns because after their first meeting he always thought about him and now that he has this opportunity he should never miss it.  

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