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Ferns accepted the job offer and submitted his 30-day notice of resignation to his current employer. His manager already foreseen it and expected that it just a matter of time that Ferns will move on and will look for a more challenging role and better company.

Ferns' starts his first day with his new job with a new company. Until today, Andro still is not aware that Ferns is the person who will be filling the vacancy in the Finance department of the company. He knew though that there would be a new employee in the department but has no idea who would that is.

Ferns' reports to the human resources department office first to submit the company's requirements and fills-up another round of paperwork to finalize his employment. He spends more or less a couple of hours in the office of the human resources.

After completing the paper works, Renan takes him to the Finance department and endorses him formally to the department.

Ferns' boss is not yet around so Renan asks him to wait in his assigned workstation. Renan politely requests another staff in the department to look after Ferns for the meantime and if she could introduce Ferns to the entire staff as well.

Her name is Mhy. Ferns will be sitting opposite Mhy's desk. But before Renan leaves Ferns he reminds him that after the lunch break he will be touring Ferns around the building to introduce him to the other employees of the company.

As soon as Renan left, Mhy approaches Ferns to introduce herself and politely ask Ferns to come with her so that she could introduce him to everyone in the floor.

Mhy is quite popular to the entire Finance department.

Everybody likes her because of her funny and friendly personality.

While going around the floor she gives Ferns a little background of every staff especially about each owns personality.

She gives Ferns a few tips and little heads up especially on how to approach and handle every member of the finance staff.

Ferns' who is a funny person himself whispers and say something to Mhy. He said he noticed that majority of the staff in the department are matured and quite old. When Mhy hears it, she laughs so loud that almost everybody in the floor heard her while Ferns almost gag her mouth because he doesn't expect the reaction from her and what he said is very funny.

Ferns was so embarrassed that he immediately requests Mhy not to tell anyone about his impression with the other staff and if she could just pretends that he never said it.

Mhy finished introducing Ferns to everyone when their boss arrives.

She asks Ferns to step in to her office and they will have a close door meeting first.

It is almost 12-noon when they finish the meeting and Ferns comes out and sits in his desk.

Mhy is waiting for Ferns so that they could have lunch together and show him where the cafeteria is.

While walking towards the elevator Mhy says something funny again to Ferns. She said she is happy because finally she can have a lunch partner from her department who is the same age as her.

Ferns chuckles and softly laughs.

The canteen is located in the last floor of the building.

When Ferns and Mhy enters the cafeteria, it is almost full but Mhy's closest friends in the company who is the same age as them always reserve a table for the group.

They walk towards to the their table first where Mhy's other friends are already waiting.

Mhy introduces Ferns to everybody.

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