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After a few weeks, Ferns settles in with his new job, with his new company, with his new boss, with his new officemates. He also made some friends. He is now part of the gang of the youngest generation of employee in the office where Mhy and Andro is also a part.

The office is actually populous of more matured employee because the company has been in the business for a very long time. The younger group enjoys the company of the matured group because they are fond of the younger group. They always treat them out for free lunch and sometimes they get together for drinks after work especially on Friday night.

Andro and Ferns starts to hang out together with the rest of the group after work for drinks. Normally, they start the night with their closest colleagues from the matured group but since most of them are parents they always leaves early and the younger group continues the drink and stay up a little bit late.

Andro is a light drinker while Ferns is a moderate drinker and the rest of the group is heavy drinkers. Renan is newly wed so he does not drink; he joins them for company and always the first one who leaves because of his new status in life.

When Renan leaves, Andro will take care of the group. Mhy, Jovy and Jhing even though they are girls they like drinking beers. Jovy has a boyfriend so she needs to drink moderately too but her boyfriend (Randy) always join the drink after his work so that they she and Randy can take her home safely. Ogie and Paul is in-charge of ordering drinks and food. The group is solid, fun and never ran out of jokes all the time.

Renan sits between Andro and Ferns. And since Ferns is the newest members of the group, the attention of the group is with him. They throw a lot of questions to Ferns. Tonight is like his initiation to the gang. There are funny questions and sometime serious ones but he never got to answer most of the questions because each one of them are joking around and teasing each other a lot.

Ferns' enjoys everyone because they are fun and all easy going. Andro mostly listening to their conversations is actually observing Ferns character and personality at this point. He is interested to know if Ferns can get along very well with the group.

Renan exhales deeply and says, "I hate to go but I need to leave. My wife is already looking for me."

"C'mon, Renan is not even 8pm yet." Mhy grunts loudly.

"Yeah, stay for another hour bro." Ogie follows up.

"I can't. My wife already texted me." Renan explains.

"All right, bro. We understand you. Say hello to your wife for us." Paul convinces the group to let Renan go.

Renan stood up, took away his chair and said, "Hey Andro, move and sit beside Ferns."

Renan waves goodbye to everybody and walks away. The group wave him goodbye too and Jovy offers a toast for him.

Andro moves his chair closer to Ferns, "How are you doing so far?"

"Everything is good. I am enjoying myself. How about u?" Ferns replies.

"Very good. I am glad you are having a great time. Don't mind about their jokes. They always like to make fun of new people. It happens to me too." Andro tries to reassure Ferns.

Ferns did not answer back but toast his bottle of beer to Andro as his response. Andro toasts back.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Jing inquires loudly.

"Haha, I was telling Ferns to be careful with you guys especially when you are already drank." Andro chuckles.

"Hey, Andro did I take advantage of you the first time you had a drink with us?" Mhy screams softly Andro.

"By the way, you still owe Mhy a kiss haha!" Jovy defends Mhy.

"C'mon guys we are all just brothers and sister here only." Ogie butts in.

Andro raises his beer on his hand and offers a toast to everybody, "Yeah, let's drink to that."

Everybody agrees and toast their beers.

Jing changes the topic and asks Ferns, "Ferns, give us your number." She hands Ferns her phone.

Everybody hand Ferns their phone so that he can write his number to each of their phone except for Andro.

"What about you, Andro? Aren't you getting Ferns number?" Randy asks.

Andro tries to look for his phone and could not find it but Ferns quickly reaches his phone from his shirt's left pocket.

"The phone is lock, can you open it for me?" Ferns' returns the phone back to Andro.

Andro unlock the phone and gives back the phone to Ferns then Ferns save his number and returns the phone back to Andro and smiles, "There you are, saved my number to your phone."

They continue the drinking and after an hour they are almost out of alcohol and Randy says to call off the night.

"Let's finish the remaining beer to your glasses guys so we can go, it's getting late." Randy says to everyone.

Everyone agrees and toast their glasses for the last time.

"Are you drunk?" Andro asks Ferns

" Tipsy but not drunk. Are you?" Ferns' asks Andro.

"Andro is not drunk. He will never be drunk." Mhy giggles.

Paul warns everyone to finish the remaining alcohol in his or her glasses, "Bottoms up guys. No left over or else I will give you a fine."

Andro noticed Ferns that he can no longer finish his beer. His glass is still half full.

"I'll finish it for you!" Andro grabs Ferns glass and drink it all.

Every one is staring at them while Ferns freezes and stares at Andro too.

Andro looks at every one and says, "What? Paul demanded to finish the drink. And I don't have anymore drink in my glass so I drank Ferns."

"Sure, Andro." Jovy's sarcastic response.

"Thanks!" Ferns chuckles.

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