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Andro's boss was very impressed on how the event turned up. With how he and his group organized and handled the activity today. His boss knew the effort and hard work that Andro put on it so he let Andro relax for the rest of the afternoon and could leave early if he wants to.

It's almost 5 pm and Andro is just waiting for the time. His boss left early while Ava is ready to leave as well. Ava is wondering why Andro is still in the office since their boss permits him to leave early if he wants to. As her usual self, Ava loves to tease Andro a lot but he just always ignore her. He is very much used with her teasing techniques so he knows how to handle her already. When Ava could no longer make any way to tease and annoys Andro, she gives up and left.

Andro send Ferns a text message asking him if he is now free. Ferns text him back and he said that he will be ready in 10 minutes. Andro text him back and said that he will be waiting in the coffee shop.

As soon as Ferns read the last text message of Andro, he pauses and something briefly popped up in his mind. He was not sure what it is but for some reason he feels that this already happened before. He just could not remember exactly what is it.

While waiting in the coffee shop, Andro recalls something. He recalls about the supposed first meeting of him and Ferns a long time ago. They were exchanging text messages and agreed to meet in a coffee shop. He suddenly felt worried that it might happen again but quickly he realized there is no way it might happen because this time he wont ever miss Ferns again because he is closely watching the people leaving the office building.

Andro fortunately doesn't have to wait for Ferns that long. At exactly 10 minutes Ferns shows up as he promised. Andro is watching Ferns from a distance as he walks toward the coffee shop. Ferns smiles as soon as he saw Andro and Andro remembers exactly the moment he saw Ferns for the first time. But this time, Ferns is smiling at him, the exact opposite when Ferns is cold and aloof when they first met a long time ago.

They decided to walk to the mall instead of getting a cab. Since the road is busy and not easy to get a cab during this hour. The mall is not too far away from where their office is. They didn't even realize how long it took them to get to the mall since they were both enjoying each other's company while walking and chatting.

Before reaching the mall, they agree to have dinner and see a movie. Ferns love to watch movie a lot. So he assures Andro that every time he visit the mall, he ends up watching a movie even though he is all by himself.

"Next time, if you feel like watching a movie anytime, you can always ask me to come. You don't have to be alone anymore from now on." Andro assures Ferns.

Ferns smiles at Andro and feeling excited but he tries to hide it as much as he could.

Ferns and Andro strolls around the mall for a few minutes until they decided to look for a place to eat. They end up in a Chinese restaurant.

While in the middle and enjoying their dinner, someone approaches their table.

"Hello Sir Andro, how are you?" the guy asks politely.

Ferns and Andro pause their meal. They both look at the guy who approached and spoke. Andro did not respond right away.

"Andro, I think he is talking to you." Ferns confusedly smiles.

"Hey Ken, what are you doing here?" Andro acts very surprise.

"I was in the next shop when I saw you. I just though to say hi." Ken answers.

"By the way, Ferns this is Ken my former student." Andro introduces Ken.

"Hi Ken, nice to meet you. Now I understand why you call him sir." Ferns chuckles.

"Nice to meet you too, Ferns. Sir Andro is actually just two years older than me but since he was my senior and former teacher in the seminary I am used to call him Sir." Ken response cheerfully.

"Well, I am no longer your teacher so you may just call me Andro. I always reminds you about it." Andro said.

"Sorry, I always forget about it, Sir Andro. Andro I mean." Ken laughs

"Would you like to join us?" Ferns' asks Ken.

Ken looks at Andro before he responds to Ferns invitation and noticed from Andro's face that he doesn't approve it.

"Thanks for asking but I can't at the moment as I have to meet a friend too. I just don't want to miss seeing Andro and say hi to him." Ken politely declines Ferns.

As he was about to leave, Ken taps Andro's shoulder and said, "Hope we can catch up sometime just like the old times."

Andro pretends that he did not hear Ken. When Ken realizes that he will not be getting response from Andro, he says goodbye to both.

As soon as Ken leaves, Andro continue his meal while Ferns is just staring at him. Ferns' wonders what is the deal with them both because Andro acts a little bit strange but he realizes that it is not his business so he just ignores it and continue his meal too.

After the dinner, they head to the cinema. Ferns' notices something off about Andro especially after meeting Ken.

"Hey, is everything all right?" Ferns' asks.

Andro did not respond and remain quiet.

"By the way, let's go by the coffee shop first and lets get some hot chocolate first before we go inside the theater. My treat!" Ferns' cheerfully invites Andro.

Andro is still quiet so Ferns grabs his arm and force him to come by the coffee shop.

After buying two cups of large hot chocolates they both walk towards the cinema again.

"Ferns, can I tell you something?" Andro exhales deeply.

"You can tell me about it after the movie. I am sure it can wait. C'mon lets go inside. The movie is about to start." Ferns grabs Andro's arm again and hurriedly get inside the theater.

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