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It's first Friday of the month. Today, the company will be having their first mass service. And since this is the first mass it is expected that everybody is coming most especially the managers of every department and the top management. The choir has been practicing religiously, they do not want to fail and disappoint everybody. The group agreed to assemble half an hour before the actual mass so that they can still do one final practice.

Ferns and Andro are already in the venue an hour before the time because they still need to set up the organ and some equipment.

Ferns' during their last night practice offers Andro to help him in setting up the venue. Andro gladly accepted the offer. Although, Ferns' ask for his boss permission first which she did not decline.

Andro a few days before the event is already feeling the pressure of leading this activity but because of Ferns he is more relieve now.

Whenever Ferns sees Andro frowning and sulking, Ferns tries to comfort him. Sometimes, Ferns entertains Andro by playing the organ himself. He throws away anything to Andro like tissue, candy wrapper just to let him divert his attention to something else other than thinking too much of the upcoming event. He also tries to play with him by tickling Andro's waist. Anything that makes him snaps out of his stress and pressure.

The mass is about the start. The venue is already full with the employees of the company. The managers are sitting in the front next to the top management. The choir group is sitting to the other side of the center platform, which was set up as an altar of the priest and his assistant. The mass should start with the first song.

Everybody is standing, ready and waiting for the first song of the mass except for Andro. The choir group is also waiting for Andro to strike the first key from the organ. Andro is not moving his fingers and the group notice it. Ferns' who sits beside him could sense that Andro is nervous and still feeling the pressure at this point. He feels he needs to do something to calm him down. Ferns hold Andro's very cold hand. As soon as Andro felt Ferns warm hand, he looks at him and Ferns eyes gives Andro the assurance that everything will be fine. Andro gives him a quick smile and sits on his chair and starts to play the organ.

The mass ended very well. Everybody is very impress to the choir. The managers were all very pleased and applauded the group. It is a sign that they are looking forward to the next mass service next month.

After the mass, everybody celebrated to the next room where free lunch is served courtesy of the company and hosted by top management.

The group walks to the other room while Andro and Ferns are left behind.

They are both quiet. No one seems to start the conversation any moment at this point. The awkward silence is obviously brought about by the gesture that Ferns made earlier when he hold Andro's hand. But Ferns thought to start talking now.

"Wow, that ends very well. They are all very pleased!" Ferns chuckles loudly

"Yes, indeed. Our efforts paid off." Andro's cheerful response

There is a moment of silence again. Andro feels he should start talking this time.

"Ferns, you can go ahead. Join them, I will finish the packing as soon as I can." Andro's polite request

"It's alright, we can go together. Besides, it will be quicker if I help you." Ferns response

"Thank you about earlier!" Andro mumbles softly

"That's fine! But I must tell you, your hand was really cold as ice!" Ferns' laughs.

Andro feels embarrass and look at each other and they both laugh together.

"By the way, do you have plans tonight? After work?" Andro asks.

"Hmmm, nothing at this point. Maybe I will just have a quick stroll in the mall." Ferns' response while trying to make an impression

"Can I come with you?" Andro asks politely.

"Sure if you are not going to do anything." Ferns' quickly respond.

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