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Ferns never recovered his phone. He has no choice but to get a new phone and a new number since he was only using a prepaid number. He could actually still get in touch with Andro since the latter is on post paid but unfortunately Ferns don't remember his number. Ferns' asks for everybody's number again to update theirs of his new number.

Andro still tries to communicate with Ferns either through calls or text. Few weeks later, he decided to give up. He wish that one day he would be able to see Ferns again and he promise himself that he will never miss that opportunity again.

They became very busy in their own respective jobs since they were both up for regularization in the company they were working with. They actually forgot about each other but sometimes Andro still thought about Ferns especially if he is using his phone. He still has Ferns previous number and never deleted the previous conversation they had and he visits it every time he misses Ferns.

Andro is musically inclined and is a member of their community church where he plays organ for his parish church community choir. Every weekend he comes to the choir practice and attends the Sunday mass to play. He is also very close to the priests and to some members of the church since he came and completed his degree in the seminary. His former students always come to see him every time they got the chance to see him in the church.

If Andro is busy with his job and church activities, Ferns is busier who is working, studying in the evening, attending the review in the weekends and doing his best to balance everything for his family and friends as well. During these times, he only went out for a few dates. Sometimes, his friends introduce some girls to him but most of the time he just wants to meet up with his friends. Ferns is very nice and gentleman enough to let the girls know about his current situations and priorities so he never lead them.

Because of hard work, Ferns and Andro were regularized in their own jobs.

In a few weeks time Ferns review class will be finishing soon and in a couple of weeks later they will be taking the board exam. Since he is now regularized in his job, he requests his employer if he can get a couple of weeks off so that he can prepare himself for the board exam. His manager understands and allows him to take the break.

Because of hard work, patience, discipline, practice and support and prayers from family and friends, Ferns pass the board exam and he is now a Certified Public Accountant. The company is very proud of him and then promotes to a junior level. He stayed in the company for more than a year until he decided to move on to another company so that he can take a more challenging role and maximize his potentials as an accountant.

One day, he receives a call from another company. This is one of the first companies he previously had application but rejected him. He can still remembers the reason why these companies rejected him, and this is the main reason why he push very hard to become a certified public accountant.

He already moved on from these rejections and although he thought of rejecting the request for another interview with this particular company but he realized about the opportunity that he is going to miss if he did not try again because ever since he admires this company because of its reputation and how many accountants like him are keen to work with this company.

And this is the same company where he and Andro first came to meet. The same company where Andre working right now. And after a year and a half they would be meeting again.

A lot may have changed after a year and a half.

If Ferns decides to go and work with the company, definitely, they will be seeing each other again.

Andro will definitely remember Ferns. Maybe Ferns will remember him or not, if so, he can only remember Andro's name but not his face. Or maybe Ferns will not remember anything. For Ferns it will be just a name that never got a chance to put a face to it.

On the other hand, if there will be given a chance maybe, the question for Andro is he going to let Ferns know about him or will he just give themselves a fresh start? 

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