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Ferns' is having lunch break with his friends from the review center. While having his meal with his friends he is also texting Andro. They are confirming their meeting later after his class.

His review class is finish by 3pm. Normally, after the class, Ferns and his friends hang out for a quick snack or coffee but today he told his friends that he wont be able to join. He checks his phone and checks all the text messages he received from Andro. His last text message says that he is already on his way to their meeting spot. Ferns on his way out of the review center call Andro and asks his whereabouts and that he should also be on his way too and confirms meeting up in Starbucks coffee.

Ferns grab car service is already waiting for him when he comes out from the review center. He puts his phone in his jeans' left hand pocket. He is rushing to get inside the car and did not properly insert the phone in the pocket so the phone fell in the ground and he never noticed it.

The car arrives in the front entrance of the mall and Ferns quickly pay the driver. He gets off the car, starts to walk and enters the mall. He knows where the coffee shop is located so he knows which direction is he going.

Andro is already in the coffee shop, comes inside and grabs a table for two and sits opposite the other chair. He takes his phone out from his pocket and starts to send Ferns some text messages.

Ferns arrives at the coffee shop, he comes inside and try to look for Andro. He actually doesn't know what Andro looks like and just relies on the description that they have talk about in one of their previous chats. But earlier that day, Andro told Ferns what he would be wearing so that Ferns could easily recognize him. He also told Ferns that he doesn't need to describe himself to him anymore as he still remembers what Ferns looks like.

Ferns walk around inside the coffee shop but he cannot find Andro. So he thought he could still early although he finds it a little bit weird because Andro's last message to him when he was still in the review center is that he is already in the mall. Ferns also grabs a table for two and sits on the other chair.

Ferns grope his phone from his pocket but he can't feel it. So he tries to grab it inside his pocket and it was not there. He tries the other pocket and its still not there. He opens his bag and neither could find it. He gives up looking for his phone and tries to think what happen to his phone. He remembers he put it inside his pocket but not sure which side of the pocket of his jeans and he knows he was rushing to get inside the car. He thought that it might be possible that it fell out from his pocket when he was getting inside the car. Ferns is now feeling stress out and he has no other option to reach out Andro except is to look harder around the coffee shop and tries to remember Andro's exact description of his attires.

Half an hour has passed and Andro has not received any text message or calls from Ferns. He decides to give Ferns a call but he cannot reach Ferns number and always redirected to an automatic answering machine saying "the phone cannot be reach at the moment." Andro feels anxious and worried. He attempts to call Ferns number again but to no avail his calls is again redirected to the same automatic answering machine.

It has been an hour; Andro and Ferns are both still waiting for each other. No one is showing up. Both are not relax, worried and starting to feel disappointed. Their thoughts are the same. Both thought they stood up each other. They may be thinking negatively but no one wants to give up and decides to wait a little bit longer.

While Andro is browsing his phone something comes to his mind. He thought if there is another Starbucks coffee shop in the mall and he googles it and finds out that there is another one. Before he decides to leave, he gives his head another turn inside the coffee shop just to make sure that Ferns is not really there. He left and walks to the other shop.

Ferns' feels frustrated and decided to leave. He also thinks he cannot not stay any longer since he lost his phone and worries that someone especially his family is trying to reach him out. Before he leaves, he decided to buy himself a Mocha Frappuccino so that he can calm and relax himself on his way home.

Ferns' is waiting for his order at the counter when Andro arrives in the coffee shop where he is at. Andro is currently standing outside the shop and tries to look every single face inside the shop. When he cannot seems to see what is he looking for he decides to go inside. The shop has two entry doors, main door and smaller door on the side of the shop.

Andro uses the main door to come inside. While he is getting inside Ferns receives his order and walks away. He decides to use the smaller door to leave the shop. Andro walks around the shop and tries to look for Ferns. When he could not find Ferns, he walks to the counter to try his luck. When he reaches the counter, Ferns is coming around and pass by the main door of the coffee shop while having a sip of his coffee. He quickly turns his head to the customers inside the coffee shop unfortunately his eyes could no longer reach Andro's current position.

Sadly, Andro and Ferns never met. L

Andro and Ferns came home feeling frustrated and disappointed. When Ferns came home, he went straight to his room and tells his mom that he needs to rest for the meantime and just call him for dinner. He jumps straight to his bed and thinking about what happen and how much he regrets not to able to meet Andro today. He closes his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Andro still tries to call Ferns while on his way home. He gives up and decides to text Ferns for the last time. He was confused and doubtful whether Ferns would still able to read his messages and expects a response. He is somehow suspects that maybe Ferns phone got lost but he hopes he is not right. And if Ferns really stood him up, he still wants to give it another chance and Ferns may have a valid reason for not showing up and he will understands him.

Andro is having some thoughts of what is it going to happen if he & Ferns were able to meet earlier. Was it going to be a friendly and relaxing conversation right away or they will be a lot of awkward and quiet moments. Could he able to stare at Ferns eyes longer this time? The eyes that got him attracted to Ferns. Will he look at Ferns eyes or his red lips when he speaks? Andro thinks a lot of things that may happen when the meeting or date really took place. He closes his eyes and continues to wander.

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