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Ferns enjoyed the movie so much that he keeps on talking about it while they are walking out of the cinema. Andro pretends to listen but it is very obvious from his face that he was still distracted from the sudden show-up of Ken during their dinner earlier and could not wait to tell Ferns about what it is that its been bugging him and has been wanting to tell Ferns.

Andro quickly interrupts Ferns about his thoughts about the movie.

"Ferns, can I tell you something about earlier, in the dinner?"

"Before you say that, can I ask you 2 questions first?" Ferns' seems very prepared that Andro will be bringing up about the topic again.

"Okay, Ferns!"

"Whatever you're going to tell me does it something to do from the past?" Ferns' immediately throws the first question.


"Is this related or something to do with me?" Ferns' second question

"Not really!"

"I see, I guess you don't have to tell me about it because frankly speaking it doesn't really concern me at all. Unless, you killed someone before?" Ferns' laughs

Andro's face turns clueless because he doesn't know how to react or what to response to what just Ferns said. Suddenly, he realizes that Ferns has a point and whatever happens to his past got nothing to do with Ferns at all.

"C'mon it's very late already and you still have to travel far to your home." Ferns' puts his arm to Andro's shoulder, as he wants to assure him that he needs to stop worrying.

"Text me when you get home safely!" Ferns' parting words to Andro as they wave goodbye from each other outside the mall and walk away in a different direction.

Ferns' had a quick shower and is ready for bed when he heard a text message from his phone. The message is from his facebook messenger. He opens it but he doesn't recognize the person who sends him a message because the person is not in his friend list.

The message said: "Is this Ferns? This is Ken; hope you still remember me from earlier? I met you and Andro when you were having your dinner."

"Yes I do. Can I help you with anything?" Ferns responded politely.

"Can I ask you something, please?"

"Sure you can!"

"May I ask what is your relationship with Andro?"

"We're workmates and friends, why do you ask?"

"Can I just warn you?"

"Warn me about what?"

"Don't let yourself fall for him. Once you fell for him, he will just leave you hanging in the air."

"Sorry, I didn't understand what do you mean by that?"

Ken did not respond and went offline.

Ferns did not bother to wait for the response anymore and put away his phone and just said, "What the hell?" And he turned off his light and closes his eyes.

After a few minutes, he receives a text message from Andro saying that he is already home but Ferns is already sleeping.

It's workweek again, as usual; the group is altogether during their lunch break. Every time the group is together every one is talking at the same time and nobody listens. Either they are teasing one another, throwing jokes at each other or gossiping about their bosses. But Jovs needs to say something first before the lunch break ends.

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