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Ferns decided to go to the interview. He is not keen though to get the job but he does not want to pass the opportunity and end up regretting it later on.

Andro's major role is to handle and manage administrative works for the human resources and administrative department of the company. It is not part of his job to handle applicant's job interview and application. He has no idea that Ferns is coming to the office for an interview.

Ferns' skips the initial application process and he goes the final interview right away. He came first to see his hiring manager for a chat and half an hour after, the hiring manager accompany Ferns to the most senior manager of the Finance department. The company offers Ferns the role because it is already his in the first place.

Ferns' is asked to wait for the meantime in the visitor's lounge of the building. He only waited for a few minutes. Someone from the human resources department comes down to see him. His name is Renan whose main role is to process and assist employees and application of the candidates in the company. Renan asks Ferns to come with him to the human resources office to discuss the job offer and requirements that Ferns need to complete for his employment with the company.

Andro and Renan are close friends since they both work in the same department. However, they don't work in the same area and floor of the building. But they always see each other everyday because of their interrelated work duties and responsibilities.

Andro was just in his workplace and unaware of Ferns presence in the company. Renan rings him and follows up about a paperwork they discussed the other day. Renan needs it to complete and files a report to his boss. Andro said he is done with it and will bring it immediately to his office now, as he still needs to discuss what did he do with the report before handing it over to Renan.

While waiting for Andro, Renan asks Ferns, who is currently reading the job offer and completing some paperwork for his application, if he can move to another room which is more private and quiet. Ferns politely said yes, he stands up and slowly walks and enters the room. As soon as the door closes, Andro is already waiting for him in his workstation.

Renan says, "Bro, I never see you today, you must very busy!"

"Indeed a very busy day because you know month-end reporting. I got your paperwork that you asked me so that you can complete your report from your end." Andro said.

"Thanks, bro. You are always great!" Renan's respond.

"You owe me Starbucks coffee for that!" while Andro demands.

Renan did not respond because he was reading the papers or may be pretending not to hear it.

"Is there anybody inside?" Andro asks.

Renan did not respond again because he is still reading the papers.

After a few minutes, Renan says, "Yes sure I will treat you your usual favorite coffee.... Yes, someone is inside, new staff for the Finance department."

"I the way I have to get back. I will see you in lunch and coffee later." Andro did not wait for Renan to respond and quickly steps out of Renan's office.

As soon as Andro left, Ferns comes out of the room and see Renan. He told Renan that he is done reading the job offer and asks for a copy of the requirements and assures to complete it as soon as possible.

Ferns and Andro did not cross path once again.

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