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Jason listen we made a deal give it a week if he still hates it we'll try something else.
But my mom never sent me to school because of this very reason.
I'm not your mom Jason, we need to give it a week.
Well I'm not going to sit by and let our son be mistreated!
Honey please trust me on this, I'm sure it will be fine by Friday.
Jason crossed his arms and shook his head.
Do you want me to talk with his teacher?
Like that will do any good!
Jason stop acting like a spoiled brat!
He came really close to my face before saying;
The counselors didn't do a damn thing for me, so what makes you think the teacher will help Junior?
Then it clicked in my brain, he's living his childhood through Junior.
Honey I'm sorry that nobody seemed to care...
I leaned my face up and kissed him on the lips.
Don't try and distract me, he growled.
I wasn't trying to, I just think we need to give it at least until Friday.
He stepped back before saying; Friday might be too late.
I could tell he was finished with this discretion.
I sighed and pushed past him to go into the kitchen.
I guess he figured I need my space so he stayed in the living room.

Jason's POV

I couldn't allow my little man to get hurt like I did.
I snuck into his room and sat on the edge of the bed.
My heart broke for him, nobody should ever go through what I went through.
I went to get up when he called out to me.
I'm here I told him, while sitting back down.
I'll go and if I still hate it Friday then I'll stay home.
Boy was this kid brave, are you sure?
Yeah daddy it's ok, you and mommy need time alone.
Plus I don't like you guys fighting over me and sissy.
You heard that, didn't you ?
I groaned when will me and Ames stop arguing around the kids.
Did we wake you?
Great I thought, just great!
Daddy are you ok?
Yeah just thinking, why do you ask?
Because you clenched your fist.
I looked down at my hand, I did that without even knowing.
Daddy are you mad at mommy again?
No, I'm just worried about you getting hurt.
I'll be fine, it's just kindergarten, besides what's the worst that could happen?
I didn't even want to think about that.
He took my clenched fist in his hand.
I relaxed and unclenched my hand, I messed his hair up, then said goodnight buddy.
Night daddy, sweet dreams!
I stopped in my tracks, dreams oh no!

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