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My eyes widen, was he really going to pop the question?
He grabbed my hand and looked up at me with love In his blue eyes.
Well you mar.....?
I tackled him to the floor and torn his mask the rest of the way off.
I kissed him all over his adorable face, yes I think he's cute.
I would be honored to be your wife.
I seen the tension leave his features.
He held me close and wiped the tears of joy from my face.
After our celebration we helped each other up off the floor.
Then he did something way out of character.
He took out a pipe and smoked it, it smelt like marijuana.
Jason you smoke?
Yeah sometimes he admitted sheepishly.
Then why do you kill people who smoke weed, or smoke at all?
Well they come on my land and trash the place.
Then they try and steal my marijuana plants.
Plus tobacco is bad for you compared to this.
Does it bug you that I smoke this?
No, I'm just shocked is all, do you drink
Hell no!!!
Ok,ok sorry!
You cease to amaze me Mr. Voorhees.
My mother had an issue at first about my smoking pot, but I proved my point after I trashed her room..
I broke her favorite mirror, that shut her up quick.
Jason shame on you!
Well I got my point across....
I guess so, um people, well a lot of people think your not that intelligent.
Well I don't give a damn what they think, only retards are dumb enough to cross paths with me.
But I....
I'm not referring to you, I'm referring to those dumb teens.
I mean why do they think they have to come here to MY lake and do their crap?
do they enjoy getting murdered?
Who knows,suddenly I had no idea about what to think or say to my fiancé.

Um yeah my boyfriend gave me the idea about Jason smoking the grass lol!

Jason's Christmas presentWhere stories live. Discover now