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Amy's POV

I fixed us popcorn and got us so sweet tea.
Jason was looking at Junior's arm, there was a huge claw mark on his left upper arm.
I sat the snacks on a TV tray and got the first aid kit from the bathroom.
I disinfected the gash then bandaged it up.
Jade was asking what did let's play doctor mean.
Jason almost choked on his popcorn.
Jade it's a very bad game, don't ever play it with anyone.
Why is it bad?
Because it means that a guy or girl, mostly guys, want to do something to you that you shouldn't do until your married or at least 21 of age.
Oh, but what is it?
You will learn about it in the fourth or fifth grade, my memory fails me on when, but somewhere in that grade group.
Why can't you tell me?
Because you're too young.
But I'm almost 8 though, she pouted.
Trust me you'll learn about all that soon enough.
However if a guy ever and I mean ever asks you to touch him or tries to touch you.
You scream, run, kick, and bite if you have to and get away.
Then tell me or dad, no matter what.
Don't even take your clothes off for a guy ether.
I guess you can pretty much do as you please when you're 18, however 21 is when your really free to choice.
Why were you crying earlier?
Because Freddy hurt me, in a very bad way.
Worst then Junior?
Yes sweetie.
Junior fill asleep in Jason's lap, Jason kept rubbing his back.
You kids aren't going to school tomorrow.
But the next day,back to school it is with yall.
I stood up from my crouched position on the floor and sat beside my hubby.
Jade climbed up into my lap and rested her head on my shoulder.
After sitting in silence for a good five minutes Jade says;
Why does Freddy not like us?
Well Freddy really doesn't like dad, so he's hurting us to get under dad's skin.
Freddy never hurts me though, and he didn't mean to hurt Junior.
Is that what he told you?
That he didn't mean to harm your brother?
No but...
I cut her off, Jade you have no idea what Freddy is capable of.
He is not a nice guy, trust me.
No buts, lets just drop the subject ok?
Jade huffed and went silent, Jason was looking at us in worry.
Jason what's wrong?
He didn't answer, he just shook his head and went back into the bedroom carrying Junior.
I followed with Jade on my heels, Jason?
He laid Junior on the bed and laid down with him.
I sat on the bed and Jade climbed up into my lap.
He sat up and got out a note pad from his back pocket.
I don't went to talk about it in front of the kids.
Did I do something wrong?
No, it's Freddy....
Mom why won't Dad talk?
He's upset, but not with us its with Freddy.
He doesn't want to discuss it in front of ya'll.
Jason huffed as he let the note pad drop to the floor.
What, you want me to lie to her?
He shook his head no, let's  just try to have a goodnight ok?
Jason still acted strange as we said our goodnights.
We slept with the kids between us.
I laid there worried that Jason was going to lose it.

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