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I was cooking dinner when Jason and Jade come in from the workshop.
I haven't heard a peep from my little man.
I became worried when he didn't come to dinner.
I had Jason go check on him, Jade sat quietly at the dinner table picking at her food.

Jason's POV

I knocked on my son's bedroom door, no answer.
I opened the door and took in the scene .
Toys were strewn everywhere his bed wasn't made.
I even noticed a hole in the wall, that I'm sure wasn't there before.
I heard music coming from under this bed.
I got down on my hands and knees, he was pressed up against the wall.
He must have fallen asleep, I reached under and gently pulled him out.
I cradled him to my chest and sat on his bed.
I looked around his room again and sighed.
I patiently waited for him to wake up.

Junior's POV

I felt myself being pulled out from under my bed.
I ignored it and let myself drift back to sleep.
When I woke up I was being held in Dad's strong arms.
He was watching me intently I slowly let my eyes open.
I stifled a yawn, he stopped rocking me and sat me on the bed beside him.
Am I in trouble?
He shook his head no, then he pulled out his worn out notebook.
He flipped to the last page and started writing.
I'm not mad at you I'm just worried about you is all.
You didn't even come to dinner, we saved you a few slices of pizza.
I sat up straighter after learning pizza was on the menu.
Dad how, how are you alive?
I really don't know how to answer that, I never truly die.
Never have,never will, I don't understand it myself.
Dad I'm sad my friend did what he did.
I don't even know what to think anymore.
I know sport it's hard to take in, can you promise me something?
Can you promise me if you ever get that upset to talk to me or mom?
I nodded my head and jumped off the bed.
He ruffled my hair and we went back out into the kitchen.

Jason's Christmas presentWhere stories live. Discover now