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I woke to the kids crying their little hearts out.
I found the reason as to why they were upset.
Jason laid face down on the floor on the bathroom.
I turned him over and saw all the gashes and claw marks.
His face was all scratched up and blood was everywhere.
I told the kids to go watch TV, I cleaned up the bathroom the best I could.
Then I locked the door and fill to my knees beside my dead husband.
I thought Jason never dies?
After some time I heard the kids come to check on me.
I went through the day in a daze, I cleaned up his wounds and sutured, up the gashes.
I dragged his body to the bed and laid him on top of the covers.
I found a note he wrote in the pocket of his jeans.
My dear wife and children I did this to protect you.
I never stay dead for too long, I love you with all my heart.
Please forgive me for not telling you my plans.
Jade help mommy around the house, Junior you're the man of the house while I'm gone.
Please take care of each other.
~ Jason

He sacrificed his life for us, what If he never comes back ?!
Junior said what I was thinking.
Yes sweetie?
Do we have to go to school tomorrow?
Yes honey, to get your minds off of all this.
Juniors attitude changed after I told him that.
It's not fair!
I hate school!!
He grabbed Jason's mask and put it on, then he ran outside.
Great, my husband dies, then my son takes off, ugh.
Momma where is Junior?
He just took off.
Momma, it's ok to cry, you know that right?
Yes sweetie, I do know that.
I'll go find Junior, while you cry and let it out ok?
She gave me a hug before heading out to find her brother.
Once I was alone the tears flowed like a dame broke inside.
I must of literally cried myself to sleep because when I woke up Jason was gone!

Jason's Christmas presentWhere stories live. Discover now