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Recap: Jason shoved me aside I hit the wall, luckily I caught myself.
Now you done it Amy, he probably wishes he killed you!
I waited to regain my balance before following him.
He end up losing me in the middle of the woods.
Dang I thought to myself he's pissed.
I stopped to caught my breath, then I heard a loud crash coming from a hole in the side of mountain.
I followed the noise and saw the saddest thing ever.
My Jason was on his knees scratching at the dirt floor.
I noticed he had taken his mask off.
When I got closer I seen the tears dampen his face.
My heart broke for him, I did this to him, it's my fault!
I dropped down beside him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
I took his face in my hands and wiped the tears away.
After I comforted him I led him to the bed in the corner.
We lay down facing each other and I cuddled up to him, pulling his arm round myself.
My heart ached to see him this upset.
He rested his chin on my head and started to trace shapes on my back.
I fill asleep in the comfort of his strong arms.

I awake to muscular arms wrapped around me.
Jason was awake watching me sleep, I smiled up at him before giving a quick peck to his lips.
He returned the kiss gently taking my face in his hands.
He deepen the kiss and held my head in place.
When we came up for air I caressed his sweet,sweet face.
People might say he's ugly but all I see is a lost,lonely boy with a wounded soul.
They did this to him, all those years ago..
That is what being bullied can cause, cause a person to brake and do the unthinkable.
People never asked to be born disfigured or disabled, it could be because of their disability that makes them look or act different from you.
I was brought back to the now when he kissed me again.
I returned the kiss and wrapping my arms around his neck.
He pulled me into his lap and slipped a hand in my sweat pants.

Jason's Christmas presentWhere stories live. Discover now