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Jason's POV

I felt bad for shutting my wife out, but I couldn't tell her my plan.
I had to take down Freddy, even if I had to give up my life to protect my family.
Beside I have a bad habit of not staying dead for too long.
I knew if I told her my plan she would try and stop me.
I acted like I was asleep, but I kept my eye open a little bit, to look at my family one last time.
Amy kept tossing and turning, Jade and Junior slept peacefully.
I tried to focus of going to sleep, but it was no use.
I finally got out of bed and gathered Ames in my arms and talked to her while she slept.
I love you guys so much, I'm doing this for our family.
I wish there was another way, but Freddy won't stop until he gets what he wants.
Please don't be too sad, I only stay dead for a short period of time.
I'll be back, you just wait, I kissed her on her forehead.
I fill asleep with her in my arms.

Freddy's POV

Oh look who came to see me, what's up hockey puck?
I came to give you my life, on one condition.
What ever could that be?
Leave my family alone.
Now why would I do that?
Because it's me you want, leave them out of it.
Who said I wanted to kill you?
Well I just figured...
Who's to say I won't kill you, then kill your family?
Jason got on his knees in front of me.
Please I beg you leave them alone!
They didn't do a damn thing to you.
That's so sweet, that you actually think I give two shits about your fucked up world?
Freddy, please!
I liked you better when you didn't talk, now you're just annoying.
Ah am I making the doggy cry?
I never thought I would see Jason ever cry again, since our last fight.
That was only because I scared the little freak of nature ha!
Now he was on his knees begging for me to take his sorry life, in place of his family?
I grabbed him by the shirt and threw him against the wall.
Listen here momma's boy, I'm going to make damn sure that you stay dead.
Then I'm going to torture your kids and little whore of a wife.
Then I'll kill her in front of your snotty nosed brat children.
Jason tried pulling away, but I had the wall hold him captive.
I tore off his mask and clawed up his already fucked up face.
After that I punched him in the gut a few times.
I was going to have some fun with him first.
Cry you little bitch, cry like the sissy baby you are!
His body shook as I shredded his body up with my clawed hand.
Right before the kill I whispered to him, can't wait to get my hands on that slut of a whore you call a wife.
Then I grabbed his trusty machete and drove it through his heart.
I watched as the light faded from his eyes.
Now on to the real fun hahaha!!!!

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