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It took another week for the kids to come to terms about their friend being a murder.
They soon put it behind them as they made new friends.
While the kids were at school Jason and I spent time in each other's arms.
We end up getting a puppy for the kids, we named him Jacob.
He was a half wolf half dog mix.
The kids would invite their friends over and life went on.
Jason kept to himself when their friends were over.

When they hit their teen years we had problems with Junior.
We got him a counselor, found out he was bipolar.
So they put him on meds, Jade was a good teen for the most part.
Jason got overprotective of her when she started flirting with guys.
He (told) her how much boys were trouble.
She would laugh it off and continued to flirt with guys.
One day me and Jason got into over her.
I don't want our little girl turning into a whore.
Jason she's not,nor will ever be a whore!
Yes she will, I seen it before this is how it starts.
She's a good kid, have faith in her.
Jason slammed me against the wall.
Don't call me a lair!!!!
I'm not Jason its just you got to stop comparing her to the other teens you came in contact with!
I'm not I just don't want my little girl to get hurt!
Jason you can't keep her in a gilded cage.
You have to let her grow up, she'll always be our little girl.
He slowly released me from the wall he had me pinned to and turned his back on me.
He walked out the door slamming it in the process.
I groaned as I saw Jade staring at me.
Honey it was nothing I said to her, she ran out of the room in tears.

Jason's POV

I'm just scared for Jade's safety and wellbeing.
I wasn't going to sit by and let her make the same mistakes as those sluts at camp blood.
I needed to get away, I went into the workshop and threw crap around.
I thought I locked the door but I was wrong.
Jade stood there wide eyed looking at me, dad?
She slowly approached me as if not to scare me.
I felt like a complete ass, she slowly put her hand on my shoulder.
Dad I'm not trying to disobey you, I just...
I really like this guy, I think he likes me too.
It's not like we're going to have sex, I know better.
Ca. can I have him over for dinner to meet you and mom?
You might just like him, he's really sweet.
I sighed and took her hand in mine.
I wiped the tears from her cheeks, is that what you really want?
She nodded her head, I sighed again.
The reason I started talking again is I ran out of room in my trusty note book.
Oh thank you daddy, I love you!
I love you too princess, I saw a light blush on her cheeks.
I gave her a bearhug and kissed her cheek.

She ran back into the house to tell Ames.
That night I met the boy in question.
I could see the love they shared for each other.
Junior was at a friend's house for the weekend.
Josh asked for my permission to date Jade.
I said yes on one condition, no sex, they agreed to my terms and I got a hug from Jade.
Ames gave them some money for the movies.
Me and Ames spent the night in each other's embrace.
For the time being I lost myself in her.

Jason's Christmas presentWhere stories live. Discover now