Chapter 16: Fireworks!

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I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Ash? Are you awake?" Louis' eager voice came through the door.

I rubbed my eyes and said, "Yeah, just a second." I threw on my robe and opened the door.

"Hurry up, sleepy-head!" He said excitedly. "There's so much to do today!"

"Coffee first?" I begged.

"Yes, it's ready, now c'mon! Get dressed and let's go! I have the whole day planned."

I hopped into the shower and scrubbed up extra fast, eager to find out what Louis had planned. I threw on some makeup and decided to let my hair dry naturally. I grabbed a few barrettes and ponytail holders and shoved them into my purse. This was insane, going out without being completely made up. But the prospect of spending another amazing day with Louis overshadowed any concern that I had about looking perfect.

Louis greeted me at the bottom of the stairs and shoved a coffee mug into my hands. "We'll get breakfast on the way," he said.

"Louis," I laughed. "Do you ever slow down?"

"Haven't yet," he said with a smile so wide, it made his eyes crinkle.

I got into his car and buckled. "This is good," I told him after I took a slow sip of coffee.

We drove the few minutes into town and parked on a side street.

"What are we doing?"

He opened my door and held his hand out to me. I took it and he said, "You will soon find out." He locked the car and he pulled me towards a noisy street. There were hundreds of people lined up as far as I could see, up and down the street. Louis spotted an opening and said, "Over here!"

He carefully pushed me into the small space and then stood directly behind me. I could hear the cadence of a marching band in the distance, mingled with the sounds of sirens and the chatter of children.

A parade! It had been so long since I'd been to one! I eagerly looked up the street, waiting for the parade to start. I couldn't see anything yet, so I turned to Louis and gushed, "This is so exciting!"

"Eager for all that candy, I see," he laughed.

I sipped my coffee and watched excitedly as a police SUV led the parade with its lights flashing and the occasional blip of the siren. The marching bands came, playing patriotic favorites, little kids on floats, clowns on roller skates, throwing candy. I remembered parades from when I was very small, but it had been years. I couldn't believe how much I missed this.

I bounced up and down on my toes, trying not to squeal like the child inside of me who had just reappeared out of nowhere.

"Too much coffee?" Louis asked.

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